Had my 2nd service done today for £185, not sure if I was being unduly unfair, but complained to them afterwards as I noticed the car had done 8 miles and the MFD was indicating an average consumption of 15mpg!
When I drove down this morning behind a convoy of slow moving cars, it was reading about 43mpg, not bad for a 2.0 TSI.
The garage said that the car was driven 4 miles before the service (on a preplanned route) to warm up the oil, it is then serviced, then driven again on the same route on a test run. Ok - I appreciate the average would go down if it was left idling in the workshop while they run diags on it or whatever, but to go down to 15 astounded me somewhat
I said that the car must have been driven in an 'exuberant' manner, but of course this was denied.
As a measure of goodwill they gave me some free fuel, but when I got back in the car, to be honest the gague hardly went any further, I reckon it was about £3 or £4 worth!
I am not normally fussy, but 8 miles for a basic service I would say was quite high, anyone think so?
Apart from that the service seems to have been done well.