Anyways much to my disappointment neither devices worked/showed up on the screen I messed about with the options but nothing, although I learnt you do need to activate the Aux in via the stereo, not already on!
I've been trying to find out more about this before I go back on Monday and I just read on a site what I assumed would be the case. You need an actual VW iPod cable to get it to work, according to the site the standard USB one that comes with it only supports flash memory sticks (I will try this on Monday), however on the site you can see what the iPod cable looks like and the fact that the USB can be removed (I tried with a lot of force but could not remove it)

Site here:
For those of you who are thinking why not just use the AUX, well by using the MDI in theory you should be able to select your tunes from the steering or stereo console and the iPod can be hidden away!
PS I will take close up of the connections on Monday.