Just bought a Scirocco! - Advice needed.

Talk about general things related to the new VW Scirocco in here.
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Re: Just bought a Scirocco! - Advice needed.

Post by blower »

If there is nothing in writing he won't have a leg to stand on in any claim, I doubt he will claim.

As you say, faults were found - if you paid for any part of the deposit on a credit card and it was over £100 - then you can claim with the credit card company for the whole cost of the car.
It is a he says she says case, but if you have had an inspection done by a third party and can get something in writing from them, then you have a good chance of winning a claim.

Do make a trading standards complaint, regardless - this dealers needs to be reported. The fact any faults were found entitles you to a full refund and they are in breach of your statutory rights under the Consumer Credit Act. It would take a judge to settle this, but go with the credit card claim if possible as it will be less hassle than a court claim.

An alternative would be to get some quotes to fully rectify all the faults on the car - and claim that in a small claims court, this will allow you to keep and continue using the car.
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Re: Just bought a Scirocco! - Advice needed.

Post by VWayne »

Last edited by VWayne on Wed May 04, 2016 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just bought a Scirocco! - Advice needed.

Post by trix »

Shame to hear you have had this bad experience Wayne, I hope it won't put you off in the long run of having one.
Not sure where you are in the country but i'm just putting a feeler topic up about my 59 plate (oct 2009 reg) as I think its time for me to move on.
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