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Clutch noise

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:59 am
by Alex230
Hi guys, for some time now I'm facing this sound when the engine is cold and throw it in first gear to go off. When I lift the clutch pedal slightly, the re is a metalic hum noise, just when you feel the clutch grabbing.

I've found some videos with Golf 6 GTIs facing the same problem and they say it's the throw-out bearing. My mechanic says it's the clutch disk and i should change the whole assembly (clutch disk, pressure plate, flywheel). Another mechanic told me that if the clutch is fine, change only the bearing, tho he didn't hear the noise and he's just assuming.

Here is a clip with an exact same sound as mine. (6 speed mt)
I would not go full on changing the whole assembly if the clutch/flywheel and pressure plate are fine)



Re: Clutch noise

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:58 am
by SciroccoEire
Mine was making that noise for about 2 years and ran fine , with no other clutch problems ( only for the slight annoyance of the noise )
It was the throw out bearing!

Re: Clutch noise

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:30 am
by Alex230
Mine has been doing it for the past 8-9 months ,but didn't really noticed it till some time ago. First time I heard it was last winter.
Guess i'll go and dissasamble the whole gearbox and inspect everything. If all is fine, I'll change only the throw-out bearing. (in Romanian it's translated as pressure bearing - guess it's the same thing)