Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:38 pm
Evening all
So lots planned for the roco over the next few weeks two main things being the H&R springs are being fitted and also getting it remapped however need to ring the insurance tomoz just to see how it's going to affect it,
Was just curious what other fellow roccers are paying or how mods affected your insurance I'm hoping it's not going to be too bad , I currently pay £500 fully comp for me and the Mrs and I have 3 points just went on go compare and put springs and map on and quote was 3K :O
So lots planned for the roco over the next few weeks two main things being the H&R springs are being fitted and also getting it remapped however need to ring the insurance tomoz just to see how it's going to affect it,
Was just curious what other fellow roccers are paying or how mods affected your insurance I'm hoping it's not going to be too bad , I currently pay £500 fully comp for me and the Mrs and I have 3 points just went on go compare and put springs and map on and quote was 3K :O