I was moving my passenger seat forward to get into the back of my Scirocco. When I tried to move the seat back, something was stopping it from moving along the rails. I found this part on the rail next to the centre console, which appears to have dropped out of the inside of the seat somehow. Now I can move the seat forward, but in order to move the seat back, I need to lift the lever at the top of the seat a few times whilst moving it in order for it to engage, otherwise the seat back will remain locked in the forward position.
Does anyone know where this part belongs and how easily it would be to refit? It appears the part is working and the small lever moves and springs back into place ok.
Thats the infamous part that alows the seat to move forward. Its an Audi part. If you look in the holes that run along the side the part number is in there. DO NOT go to vw or audi to fit as they quoted me nearly £200 plus vat. Its a 2 second job and very very easy to fit. Had this problem myself. Buy both side as you can guarantee the other side will do the same. Cost me £30 for the pair on eBay
Deanrocco wrote:Thats the infamous part that alows the seat to move forward. Its an Audi part. If you look in the holes that run along the side the part number is in there. DO NOT go to vw or audi to fit as they quoted me nearly £200 plus vat. Its a 2 second job and very very easy to fit. Had this problem myself. Buy both side as you can guarantee the other side will do the same. Cost me £30 for the pair on eBay
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Thanks for your reply. I did contact VW who quoted me £114 plus labour. As I said, the part itself seems to be working without damage, but not sure how to fit it. Do you have any guide as to where it goes? Will I need to remove the seats to fit it? etc?
Which side has failed? I will create a video and send you it. Part number is 8T0898025 . Honestly when i show you how to do it youll be angry at vw. I was wrong my parts only cost £14 for the pair.
Hi, and thanks for all your replies. I managed to find where the part came out of and re-inserted it. Had to buy a spline screwdriver to get in there (you can never have enough tools though).