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Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:50 pm
by Nasher
:rage: Got my renewal notice in from Adrian Flux and thought it must have been a typo error it had gone up from £300 to £705!!!!!!! :jawdrop:

So gets on the phone and said to the nice man at the other end are you having a frigging :rofl2: basically it seems the state of play regarding insurance is that we are paying extra for all those that dont have car insurance :gnash: or are making false claims regarding personal injuries :smash: blah blah blah :mad:

I have tried Chris Knott and they couldn't touch the previous quote and said that one of the Companies wouldn't even entertain the 'Mod's'

It doesn't help that I have only got 2 years no claims but even so :cry:

Hewhore's GTI ED30 only gone up £150 which isn't too bad I suppose....

Any suggestions .....nice ones please :nod:

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:54 pm
by Shaun
Yeh mine went up silly money too, so at the moment the remap has been removed and i am with Aviva at the moment which came to £350 for the R

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:08 pm
by trix
Cris, speak to SkyInsurance we get forum discount with them. Very nice & painless to deal with, I didn't end up with them this year but it was close.


Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:10 pm
by wigit
Nasher we've been hit on both the Roc and GTI, the GTI was more painful, the least painful solution was Sky Insurance, worth trying Greenlight and Brentacre

I noticed Bell/Elephant/Admiral were no longer doing cheap first year deals to sucker you in either

Sky were easy to deal with modifcation wise

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:14 pm
by Nasher
Thanks Trix :yes:

Have looked at them will try them tomorrow.

Hope you are keeping OK

See you next week at meet


Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:16 pm
by Nasher
wigit wrote:Nasher we've been hit on both the Roc and GTI, the GTI was more painful, the least painful solution was Sky Insurance, worth trying Greenlight and Brentacre

I noticed Bell/Elephant/Admiral were no longer doing cheap first year deals to sucker you in either

Sky were easy to deal with modifcation wise
Cheers Wigit

Am making a list as we type ;)

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:22 pm
by Shaun
Sky wanted £700 from me ?, last year it was £260 from my other company

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:10 pm
by scirocco
I moved from £600 per annum to £780! I hate paying insurance.....

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:32 pm
by maisbitt
Nasher: 2 years no claims and £300 on a 2.0TSI last year? That almost seems too cheap, even for a 30 year old (no clue how old you are). I pay just over £400 for a 140GT, and i'm in the second lowest national band area (of 5) for crime risk, parked on a drive and 35 with 10 years no claims.

I'd think £600-£700 was about right with only 2 years no claims on a group 16 (old system) car.

Try all the independents as well as all the search engines. How modded are you? Would you take the mods off for a far better rate?

Are you a lass? if you are, maybe that recent EU insurance gender "equality" ruling has pushed up your female rates?

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:32 pm
by Nasher

Humm :rolleyes: maybe I did get off light last year but even so don't see why it gets hiked up coz i'm a female :rara: Oh well I am wadding through the list that I have made.... don't want to return it back to stock :shake: :shake: :shake:

Will have to start sellling the 'Big issue' for extra pocket money ! :dancer:


Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:36 pm
by Ryy
Bloody irritating how cheap you guys get it anyway :( Hike or no hike!!

Well, mine is paid until November, so I'll just put it to the back of my mind right now.

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:44 pm
by Nasher
oooooh another fellow Viper hellooooo..... :clap:

Maybe they should add a charge on the colour of your car you have :rolleyes2: the most popular ones could pay a much higher premium...... :lol: and we could pay less :woohoo:


Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:52 pm
by Shaun
Ryy wrote:Bloody irritating how cheap you guys get it anyway :( Hike or no hike!!

Well, mine is paid until November, so I'll just put it to the back of my mind right now.
We have worked our way up (or should i say down) :D

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:20 pm
by RW1
I feel left out :(

Mine only went up in January ........... +£4.


Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:25 pm
by Shaun
RW1 wrote:I feel left out :(

Mine only went up in January ........... +£4.

you paid to much last year :lol:

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:30 pm
by RW1
Yeah, never retire! They put it up for daytime driving :eyepop:


Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:12 am
by GeoffT
Don't want to make you guys feel bad (well maybe a bit, there have to be some advantages of getting old!), but my renewal has just come through at £236.98 from Esure. That is with a squillion years NCB and I'm 51.

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:19 am
by whicher
I've not looked at insurance for the Scirocco yet. Im 30 with 12 years NCB, no convictions/accidents etc. Wondering where the best place to look would be?

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:44 am
by ayeaye
It varies so much from person to person it's difficult to say - but I've found Direct Line and Swiftcover to be the cheapest for me over the years and both with reasonable service. Thankfully not had to make any claims which is where you really find out what they're like.

Re: Renewal Insurance RANT!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:56 am
by maisbitt
If you value your no claims then watch out for some insurers. I went to priviledge with 8 years no claims, nothing happened in the year I was with them, and I left them with 6 years no claims. "we don't count after 6 years" was their reply, so why did you allow me to enter 8 years no claims on the online form then? Should have 13 years no claims as a result, but I have 10.

Lasses are probably about to see a big jump in their rates due to the recent EU gender equality ruling (maybe Nasher is a victim of this already?). Will Blokes rates come down correspondingly? Who are we kidding?

As for "who is cheapest?" Look everywhere and assume nothing. Age, NCD and location are the biggest factors, but 2 people with similar profiles (age, occupation, NCD) who live in different parts of the country with same crime risk could have very different premiums.

Time of renewal is also a factor - October/November seem to be cheapest times to get insured (maybe everyone being skint with xmas around the corner?)