The only thing is... It doesn't look much better!
I did a two step correction using, menzerna fg400 with an hexlogic orange cutting pad and menzerna sf3800 with a hexlogic green polishing pad.
I was really surprised with how well the fg400 finished down but was disappointed with the cutting ability. It removed light swirl marks but not much else! I've still got loads of RDS in my paint.
Was I doing something wrong?
I was using speed 5 on a das6pro moving very slowly doing around 6 passes.
Something else I found was when doing an IPA wipe down after the sf3800 it just seemed to smudge the residue almost reactivating it I gave up with that after a while and just used it to get rid of the tape marks then buffed with a dry towel before LSP.
Any thoughts are welcome!