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Beat the system, 12 black point vanished

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:18 pm
by finetrond
Being one that is a true beleiver in that "the less time spent in traffic, the less the chance is to have an accident". I might have a heavy right foot also.
My wife checked, and yes 15 black point have been given to the car for an assortment of speeding offences. With 12 the license is suspended. So we split them 6 on me and 9 on her. I do most of the driving so better I have so room.
Just cleared those and went to change the registration on the car from one city to another, Yes it's like that here. Sure enough 12 point for driving wrong somewhere i did not even know I done such evil i deserved 12 in one shot.
Well we handed in the number plates the following day, two days later we got the new number plates and the black points have gone into a black hole. :clap: :clap: :clap:

The little man wins and can keep in drinving the R the way it is supposed to be driven.

Re: Beat the system, 12 black point vanished

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:59 pm
by Irvysan
Cool story bro. Thanks for sharing :win:

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