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Bye bye scirocco!

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:31 am
by Sarah
So yesterday I bought a new car and will sadly be saying goodbye to my lovely viper scirocco. :(

I have had this car for just under two years and loved driving it and people always commented on it and I will miss having a bright green car to!! I was looking to trade up to an R but unfortunately VW customer service and general attitude from vw put me off, and since I have previously had bad experiences with vw as for 7 months of the cars life my viper was in and out of the dealers trying to get a radio fixed (due to a couple of dodgy vw dealers ) I just couldn't be bothered with them anymore! It's a shame because the scirocco is a beautiful car and I really will miss it :(

But I shall be saying goodbye it it on Tuesday and picking up my new C63 merc ( I think the sound of the v8 will help with my rocco mourning!)

Thanks to everyone that's helped out on here though, it's a great forum and ill probably keep popping back to see if there's any sign of a new rocco model coming out soon :D

Thanks, Sarah

Re: Bye bye scirocco!

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:06 pm
by whiteDevil_170
Shame to see another roc owner go :( but that's a nice car to upgrade to. Is it brand new? Get some pics up.
Hope it goes well for you.

Re: Bye bye scirocco!

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:38 pm
by carmanvw
best of luck with new car- dead right to leave VW if they won't do customer service anymore.

Re: Bye bye scirocco!

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:40 pm
by too hot
Make sure you get a Nectar card with the Merc cos you are not going to be a stranger to petrol stations !!!
I know I've got a M3 !!!!!