Was looking at a Tiguan possibly for my next car, as I hope it will be more pot-hole resistant than the Roc.
Is it worth trading to a car with slightly lower residuals, much poorer fuel economy, quite ugly (but not comparatively so for that class of vehicle) to save the cost of a few pot-hole wrecked tyres every year?
I thought about it, and noticed that the new VW prices came out yesterday. VAT went up and overall, everything is 2.1% more expensive as a result. VW decided to put their prices up 3.1% across almost all models after 4 price rises in the last 2 years. When VAT went down to 15%, VW cynically put their prices up accordingly, swallowing what should have been a price reduction.
Is it me, or are VWs getting ridiculously expensive? They're asking BMW/Audi money now for a badge that's not that prestigious. This seems really hard to swallow as a Roc owner, seeing as it appears to be the flimsiest feeling VW i've owned with lots of squeaks and rattles.
Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
- Posts: 1062
- Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 8:42 am
- I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 170/184
- In: Rising Blue
- With a: Manual box
Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
2013 - Tornado Red MK7 Golf GTD on order
2011-2013 - Rising Blue 170GT
2009-2011 - Pewter Roc 140GT
2007-2009 - Tornado Red Golf 170TDI GT
2005-2007 - Black Pearl Golf 140TDI GT
2003-2005 - Black Pearl Polo 1.9TDI
2011-2013 - Rising Blue 170GT
2009-2011 - Pewter Roc 140GT
2007-2009 - Tornado Red Golf 170TDI GT
2005-2007 - Black Pearl Golf 140TDI GT
2003-2005 - Black Pearl Polo 1.9TDI
- Posts: 5036
- Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:31 pm
- I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 170/184
- In: Rising Blue
- With a: Manual box
- Location: S/W Scotland
Re: Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
I had a look on the website yesterday and the prices for fixed price servicing went up between 10 and 20%
I don't thnk the problem is just with VW all retailers are doing it.
I don't thnk the problem is just with VW all retailers are doing it.
- Posts: 1062
- Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 8:42 am
- I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 170/184
- In: Rising Blue
- With a: Manual box
Re: Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
Forgot to mention that i'd noticed the 3 year service pack has gone up to £300 from £250, a 20% rise. Thanks Cuprabob.
2013 - Tornado Red MK7 Golf GTD on order
2011-2013 - Rising Blue 170GT
2009-2011 - Pewter Roc 140GT
2007-2009 - Tornado Red Golf 170TDI GT
2005-2007 - Black Pearl Golf 140TDI GT
2003-2005 - Black Pearl Polo 1.9TDI
2011-2013 - Rising Blue 170GT
2009-2011 - Pewter Roc 140GT
2007-2009 - Tornado Red Golf 170TDI GT
2005-2007 - Black Pearl Golf 140TDI GT
2003-2005 - Black Pearl Polo 1.9TDI
- Posts: 1062
- Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 8:42 am
- I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 170/184
- In: Rising Blue
- With a: Manual box
Re: Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
Can't believe the yanks get a Golf GTI for $23,690 (less than £15,000
), and they don't have to pay for metallic paint either.

2013 - Tornado Red MK7 Golf GTD on order
2011-2013 - Rising Blue 170GT
2009-2011 - Pewter Roc 140GT
2007-2009 - Tornado Red Golf 170TDI GT
2005-2007 - Black Pearl Golf 140TDI GT
2003-2005 - Black Pearl Polo 1.9TDI
2011-2013 - Rising Blue 170GT
2009-2011 - Pewter Roc 140GT
2007-2009 - Tornado Red Golf 170TDI GT
2005-2007 - Black Pearl Golf 140TDI GT
2003-2005 - Black Pearl Polo 1.9TDI
- Posts: 5036
- Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:31 pm
- I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 170/184
- In: Rising Blue
- With a: Manual box
- Location: S/W Scotland
Re: Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
and they get relatively cheap fuel too. We just get shafted in this country but saying that wouldn't want to be an American
- kenti
- Posts: 295
- Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:28 pm
- I drive a: 1.4 TSI 160
- In: Deep Black
- With a: Manual box
- Location: Norway, Oslo
Re: Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
Don't whine about prices you guys. In GB the Scirocco R costs less than a standard Scirocco here in Norway!
You have cheaper gasoline prices as well.
Did anyone talk about the yanks?

You have cheaper gasoline prices as well.
Did anyone talk about the yanks?
- Posts: 67
- Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:26 pm
- I drive a: 2.0 TDI 140
- In: Opal Silver
- With a: DSG box
Re: Happy New year from VW, with 3.1% price rise
And it's not only VW that's cheaper in the UK compared to continental Europe. Playing with Audi, BMW, Mercedes configurators clearly showed cars were much cheaper in UK. Car companies may have realized that people can export vehicles within the EU countries with ease (like I did) and may be making price corrections to reduce that. Haven't seen the new prices, but if they are like last year, I would always buy a new car from the UK.