If on collection day the Scirocco is the wrong spec built…

Talk about general things related to the new VW Scirocco in here.
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If on collection day the Scirocco is the wrong spec built…

Post by mrbojangles »

Out of interest, if you arrived on collection day to find your car was not the spec on your order form, what position does that leave you?

If it was something like wrong wheels, I’d presume you just request they get changed (either before signing/paying or with written agreement it will happen later)?

However, if something more serious, presumably they should offer you the option of a discount on the missing options, but what if you didn’t want that?

I’ve recently been made aware of a few horror stories of wrong spec cars arriving and the dealer not noticing until collection day (or until the customer points it out!!!)

It would be useful to know how the matter could be broached if it occurred
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Re: If on collection day the Scirocco is the wrong spec buil

Post by trix »


Poor old stuaz had this issue, they didn't pay attention to the 2 key letters on his order form.. GT so gave him a 140TDI with all the options he asked for but not a GT model so has been driving around in it as effectively a long term hire car until they build the correct one. I believe he had to kick up abit of stink and point out the error in their ways (GT & non GT spec differences) but i'm sure he will be along to explain in more detail in a moment

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Re: If on collection day the Scirocco is the wrong spec buil

Post by bleedsoff »

Think he got a few extras added to his 2nd order to the dealers expense. Poor Stuaz :(
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Re: If on collection day the Scirocco is the wrong spec buil

Post by stuaz »

Wow a thread just for me! :P

Yeah what the others said - I ordered a Scirocco GT 140TDi (DSG) with Sat Nav, Winter Pack, Cruise Control and Rear Parking sensors.

When I went to pick it up in June, I found it had all extras I asked for, but on a Base Scirocco - so no cruise, tints, fogs, climate, etc that comes standard on a GT.

Now naturally I was rather annoyed and made my annoyance very known. I refused to sign anything (Even though they tried to get me to). I got the Branch manager and even had VW UK on the phone at one point. Eventually I pulled out the original Order form that I got on the day I placed my order, which clearly stated the fact it was a GT...

So in the end another order was placed and I drove home in the non-GT until my new GT car was built. (I will pick it up on September 1st!).

My advice to you is if you do happen to receive the car which you did not order, or something is missing/damaged - DO NOT DRIVE IT AWAY! Refuse to take it until whatever is sorted. If you drive off the forecourt with no written commitment from the Dealer, then your pretty much buggered.

Hopefully your experience won't be as "interesting" as mine ;)
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Re: If on collection day the Scirocco is the wrong spec buil

Post by skyblues11 »

also, keep all paperwork and all e-mails. Any evidence of the transaction.
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Re: If on collection day the Scirocco is the wrong spec buil

Post by Tonkenna »

I ordered a 170GT DSG, when it arrived (after 7 months!) I got in it and said 'what's that?'.
'The gear stick', said the dealer.
'That's not what I ordered......'.
'Isn't it?'.

I was raging, and asked for that car to drive until my new (urgent priority order) arrived. They refused and gave me a sh1t polo for 2 months.

Bad buying experience all round (well the salesman was a decent chap, Liverpool fan) but everything else, rubbish. I'd have walked away if I wasn't so desperate for a Scirocco.

They did, on the other hand, maintain the price, and I got a 10 plate instead of a 59.....

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