Clear path up the M1

The place to share pictures and impressions of your new arrival or just show off your motor.
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Posts: 71
Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:50 am
I drive a: GT 2.0 TSI
In: Candy White
With a: Manual box
Options: Factory fitted: Parking sensors, Folding mirrors, Winter pack, DAB, Smoking pack, Flat tyre indicator, Mats
Home fitted: Metal pedals and footrest, Covered cup holder, hkb door sills, Razos, Door warning lights

Clear path up the M1

Post by MarRocco »

I collected my Roc yesterday from Alan Day VW, North London (well recommended by the way :yes: ) and set off up the M1 bound for Yorkshire. I was amazed at how many cars seemed to slow down or change lanes to let me pass - plenty of rubber necking too as I passed. It wasn't until I got home that I realised why - I'd asked the dealer to leave the paint protection on (including the blue foam bumper protectors) so that I could detail it at home. A white Roc with blue 'lights' must have looked just like a unmarked patrol car. :D
GT 2.0 TSI, Candy, Parking sensors, Folding mirrors, Winter pack, DAB, Smoking pack, Flat tyre indicator, Mats, Metal pedals and footrest, Covered cup holder, Razos, hkb door sills, Door warning lights, VAG-COM
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Posts: 425
Joined: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:38 am
I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 140/150
In: Rising Blue
With a: Manual box
Options: Cruise Control, Metallic Paint, Fiscon Bluetooth, Bleep on locking.

Revo Remap.
Location: Leicestershire

Re: Clear path up the M1

Post by ashley1407 »

Ha ha brilliant! Get used to the stares though because the Roc does seem to attract them. Glad you're enjoying the car :)
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Posts: 341
Joined: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:06 am
I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 170/184
In: Rising Blue
With a: Manual box
Options: Folding mirrors, luxury mats, Black leather interior, DAB RCD510 Radio, Sill Protectors

LED side, interior, number plate, puddle and footwell lights.

DRL coded off, so side lights only. Beep for alarm set/unset coded on.

Build Week 5 2010
10.02.10 - on the boat to the UK
20.02.10 - Took delivery
Location: Midlands

Re: Clear path up the M1

Post by Gilez »

:D :D :D
I can rely on my car, it's my Roc!!!
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