- a company I was visiting told me to park in a certain parking bay in their private car park.
- so I did.
- went back to car after meeting.
- f***k off yellow sticker on drivers window politely informing me that I had no permission to park there and if I did it again they would be forced to tow my car away!
- I went to peel sticker off.
- sticker dosent come off.
- blood pressure starts to rise (the yellow clashes with the paint work!)
- front desk look apologetic and say that they forgot to tell the parking man.
- I possibly start to look annoyed.
- they politely tell me that the parking man has gone home in case I was going to go and 'speak with him'.
- I politely ask who I should send the valet bill too.
- they look confused.
- Ended up driving home with the window down as I couldn't see the mirror and had to get the local car valet guys to hack the sticker off with a pressure washer and razor!
So apart from the f***k wits not logging my car details and telling Billy the parking attendant, are they allowed to put these stickers on cars if it obstructs the view of the driver and does it amount to criminal damage or am I being over the top? And am I being petty by invoicing them the car wash bill...