Ordered my Scirocco last week, about 10 -14 week wait now

Still not seen a proper pic of the Merlin Cloth interior and wondered if anyone has managed to find one? Also with the cloth, is the armrest leather or cloth?

I'm coming from a Astra VXR for the last 3 years, although the speed is great - after 3 years and 90,000 miles later... you realise you'll hardly ever use all it's power anyway (easy for me to say while I've still got it thoughandy wrote:easybreeze you may be one of the first to order a tdi on hear, some have muted it but been drawn by the smell of petrol in the end
andy wrote:30k a year makes it an easy decision and a great place to be sat
Welcome to the club easybreeze, looking forward to hearing what the TDI is like...easybreeze wrote:Didn't realise the model deletion removed the Scirocco badge tootrying to cancel that option - damn it! didn't really want TDI on it :oops:
No just the model. I thought it was just the engine (2.0 TDI) badge but turns out it's the SCIROCCO badge toorobrob wrote: By the way, does the budge deletion include the VW budge (on the back) as well?
Agreeddchuraman wrote:http://www.sciroccocentral.co.uk/scgall ... m=20&pos=2
close up of the cloth, much darker in real life, really comfy, good place to sit