1.4 TSI - Catalytic Light/Miss Fire Diagnosis -Advice Please

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1.4 TSI - Catalytic Light/Miss Fire Diagnosis -Advice Please

Post by mrbojangles »

I was taking my 1.4 TSi to the dealer for a service and on the way the catalytic converter warning light came on (started blinking when stationary at some lights, then went solid. Some minor judder, miss fire at the lights but then seemed normal running).

I thought it may be the common coilpick issue, but looks to be something worse.

They have checked that and did various other things (as part of and on top of the service), but to no avail. A further detailed diagnosis is now taking place next week (I think a compression test was mentioned as part of this, but can't quite recall the conversation), but the dealer has basically indicated it is already looking grim.

It’s a 60 plate, owned from new, only ~37k miles, driven conservatively, no prior issues, and serviced yearly at the dealer.

I’ve since been reading a few horror stories on the forum about similar experiences from others with the 1.4TSI, so if the diagnosis comes back with something serious like replacement engine, any advice on best way to proceed? :(

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Re: 1.4 TSI - Catalytic Light/Miss Fire Diagnosis -Advice Pl

Post by Roy_01 »

Wait for the result of the compression test and fault code scan. If it's good maybe the can try other spark plugs and coil packs. And if this isn't the problem let the injectors getting checked.
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Re: 1.4 TSI - Catalytic Light/Miss Fire Diagnosis -Advice Pl

Post by blower »

Yep wait for compression test - if that comes back as low on any cylinders then it's almost certain a piston has cracked and scored the cylinder walls, which for VW is a write off of the engine.

If that's the case your best course of action is to try and get VW to cover most of the costs - if the car has a full VW service history then you stand a good chance of getting them to do a lot of good will coverage, considering such low mileage on the engine.
VW will want to open the engine first and will charge as much as £800 for this - so get them to agree any goodwill in advance. Once they find the cracked piston it will be a whole new base engine (engine without ancillaries).

If for whatever reason you can't get goodwill then the next course of action would be to find a good garage to rebuild your engine for you - new pistons, cylinder block rebored - probably in the region of £2500-£3000 all in though :/.....if you do go this route let me know as i have recently rebuilt my engine (same 1.4 tsi 160) and have some recommendations on pistons etc.

Alternatively you can find a 2nd hand or refurbished engine and have a garage fit it - however you really need to try and find a 2012 model onwards if you can.

Good luck, hopefully its something as simple as sparks, coil packs etc.
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Re: 1.4 TSI - Catalytic Light/Miss Fire Diagnosis -Advice Pl

Post by OllieBaa »

I had the same thing about a month ago on my 2010 plate 1.4tsi (38k miles), turns out the control valve for the turbo had oil on the inside and it had melted through the flaps. Oil was getting into the turbo which was affecting the cat.

I had the valve replaced and the turbo refurbed, problem gone.

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