Chinese DRL installation guide

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Chinese DRL installation guide

Post by T33beh »

I've been looking around for a tutorial on how to fit these DRLs from China.
I'll put the eBay link in too, seen as though a lot of people are buying them from there

Anyways, the lights don't come with any instructions at all, so figuring out what's what is difficult.
Yellow wire is Positive (+)
Black - earth (-)
White -(dim DRLs when headlights on/pointless)
Blue - indicator
Brown - indicator
This is the way I did it, probably the quickest:

1- What you need to do firstly is take the old DRLs out, quick search on YouTube will bring you the right video. You need a T20 screwdriver that's all.

2 - make a slight cut in the black and white wire for the sidelight on the left hand side. Join the yellow wire from the new DRLs to this and tape it up.

3 - make a cut to the green and white indicator light and join the blue/brown wire to it.

4 - take the long wire across the top on the grill, and join the indicator wire up to the right indicator. Same small cut again. I personally got another piece of wire and ran it from the right indicator to the blue wire didn't want to cut the plastic casing.

5- double check all is working, sidelights, indicators etc.

6- if you get sidelight error on dash, plug the sidelight bulb in on the right hand side and cover it up in the bottom fog grill.

7- zip tie all the wires and the DRL controller module in.

8 - if this guide is too vague let me know I'll guide you through it

But that's how I did it, didn't bother with the dimming of DRLs (white wire), but that does go in the headlights. I also found it easier to take the left headlight out and do all the wiring seen as though the wires are short.

After doing this 'mod' I would advise not to buy these DRLs as they are genuinely CRAP! I'm going to replace soon, when you indicate left, the right side DRL will also go off, then after 5seconds of indicator going off, both DRLs are back on. In the time hat the DRLs are off you get a warning light in dash for bulb outage.

I'll put pictures up later of what it looks like!
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Last edited by T33beh on Sat May 14, 2016 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chinese DRL installation guide

Post by roc82 »

you should have posted this to "The Mod Squad/Lights", not in showroom
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Re: Chinese DRL installation guide

Post by Roy_01 »

Im using these now over a year without any problems. Comes with normal connectors. Nice bright drl and turning light and also no condensation of moisture. Only sometimes a check indicator right light when starting up in the morning, but can live with that. ... nav=SEARCH" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Chinese DRL installation guide

Post by T33beh »

I've taken some pictures today, but will get more of the lights in on a night picture. Cars been lowered on h&r 35mm, any mod suggestions? Image
Also currently booked in for front bumper smoothing. Then the flip number plate mod [emoji41]

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