DGR Coilover help

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DGR Coilover help

Post by ndogg88 »

hi guys... i have had a set of brand new DGR coilovers boxed up ready to go on the rocco for over a year... i finally got round to installing them after them being in the loft for this long and have to say i am pretty well disapointed with them!!
first of all they were on for less than 30 miles before the o/s/r shock startling rattling and clunking so jacked her up to find suspension fluid leaking out every where...
these have now been replaced for the standard shocks!!

the fronts aswell have an awful clunking banging noise and after adjusting them both equally more than twice and completely removing the units again today at work to re do and check them over to find the noise is still there!!

does any body have any experience with these units ? i have never before had any issue like this on suspension on any of my cars and am starting to loose faith completely especially after paying that extra money to buy a kit that has apparently been designed on the track and looks the dogs danglies to turn out to be a crock of sh*t....

im in a dilemma as i purchased the kit brand new off ebay over a year ago so of course i have no out ran any returns or warranty im guessing and i cant find any supplier of UK contact of DGR to speak to them...

any help and advice would be highly appreciated as at this rate they are coming off and being thrown in the skip!!
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Re: DGR Coilover help

Post by Stu13R »

Sorry to hear that. Having had several different types of shocks on previous cars I have come to realise the higher the spec the less years I got without maintenance. Yours however should have been spot on being new so it's worth seeing if they can be refurbed.

I've had some great deals on eBay and some major disappointments as well.

Once I had a similar issue with a supercharger bought in from the states and I ended up just buying another due to the hassle trying to get it back for repair.

It sucks mate but don't let this put you off.
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Re: DGR Coilover help

Post by ndogg88 »

It does mate! It's so embarrassing as the clonking and rattles are so loud the missus slides down into the seat in shame when we go past people and speed bumps lol!
I will ring for a quote to get them rebuilt but I might just sack them off and put springs on as I've got plans to air bag it at some point.
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