lokyt wrote:Bad boy Rocco Kenti. I'm jealous. Still waiting for my LED bulbs

Thanks, it's coming along.. Hope you got those leds soon, been waiting for a while now..
xypher wrote:great looking rocco kenti!
just not a real fan of the tail lights but hey, thats taste right
i love the tinted front windows, to bad it's illegal here in belgium, and i can't just keep driving windows down all day long

Thank you, xypher. Not everyone likes the same. You're the first to dislike the tail lights, but that's no biggie as long as I love them

The front tints aren't exactly legal here either, but I'll take my chances with this one.
raffoul232 wrote:Great looking car so far kenti

Whats next on your modding list after the tints

? Personally if you ask me what you should do, I would say: remap and exhaust system and your all set up. Anyway congrats and 2 thumbs up for the mods

Thanks raffoul! Next on the mod list is "R" roof spoiler, the one that's a bit bigger than original. It'll be mounted next week by the dealer (for free).
I have thought about OCT Tuning, but I'm still a little bit unsure. Afraid if something happens to to engine after reading about several complaints on this and the other forum. I don't think the mapping itself will hurt the car, but if something else happens the dealer might get a little bit harder to deal with if they find out...
I have also been thinking about Scirocco R exhaust earlier, but think I'll wait now that I have just recently fitted the 2.0L exhaust.