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2.0tdi engine rattle when started and scratched windows

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:03 pm
by souster4
Hi guys

I have a 2015 scirocco R line with a 2.0tdi engine. When the engine is first started from cold after leaving it over night, the engine rattles for a few seconds and then stops. It doesn't do it every Time, but sounds very similar to the old Corsa's that used to rattle when the engine was started with a worn engine. It does it about 80% of the Time, but won't do it if the car has been used previously that day. Is this normal?

Secondly, I've noticed that my driver and passenger windows are scratched from them sliding up and down. Is anyone else's scirocco like this? I find this really poor to be honest.

Im wondering if these issues would be covered under warrany, I've only got 3 months left.

Thanks in advance :)

Re: 2.0tdi engine rattle when started and scratched windows

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 5:48 pm
by SciroccoCW
My old corsa D had that rattle after I forgot to fill it with oil once. Always rattled starting from cold but was fine if it had been driven. Not sure there is much you can do about the scratched windows, that's often from cleaning with dirty cloths!

Re: 2.0tdi engine rattle when started and scratched windows

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:37 pm
by Gaz r
Regarding the scratches on your windows, mine has some too. Most likely dirt trapped in the rubbers, the fact that the windows go up and down slightly all the time probably exasperates the problem. As dirt will get trapped in the seals. Best thing is to try and keep your car relatively clean.
I doubt you can do much about it as it's not really a design fault.
Unfortunately just one of them things I reckon!