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Steering / camber problems

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:59 pm
by Davidpeebles
Hi Guys,

Hoping someone could maybe point me in the right direction.

Been having issues with steering for a while and the situation is right now is that although my steering is straight I feel like I'm constantly moving it to the right to keep it straight, more than normal (when taking roads into consideraiton). Had aligment done and set wheel myself so that's fine.

The other issue is that I feel the grip to the right is no where near the same as the left. I notice it more when going round bends and particularly on the motorway. Seems the right is a lot less responsive than the left.

Went round a normal bend on Friday and the right tyre felt like it was just about to give way and completely lost grip.

I noticed on my alignment print out's the camber on the right is just about out of spec by a degree or two. The left seems fine.

Would anyone have an opinion if maybe something could be wrong/bent need adjusted?

Re: Steering / camber problems

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:37 pm
by Jonnieposh
Everything in red needs to be green and get the numbers to match as close as poss for either side (left toe/right toe etc) so it needs adjusting.. did they not tell you that at the time the alignment print outs were done? There is some scope for adjustment / equalisation but good luck finding a place that knows what they're doing and when you do let me know! Good luck and Cheers

Re: Steering / camber problems

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:27 pm
by Gaz r
If the numbers are green then they will be within manufacturers tolerance and the car should drive true.
Out of curiosity how much wear have the front tyres got, if they're new then it doesn't matter. But if they've been on a while and your tracking has been out they will have worn unevenly. Now it's tracked the worn tyre will wear differently. Could this be your problem.