Wheel Alignment

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Wheel Alignment

Post by Coxieboy »

Evening everyone.
I went to get my alignment done this weekend to a well known tyre centre and they weren't able to adjust everything and said it was a usual Scirocco trait and unless there was major tyre wear not to worry. I was surprised at this and asked them why. They said the the thread they used to adjust it was at the maximum distance they could adjust it to, both front and back.
I was wondering if this is correct, or if I should take it somewhere else. VW have quoted over £300 to adjust it ! Hs anyone else had issues with the tracking / alignment ??
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Re: Wheel Alignment

Post by Gaz r »

I haven't heard of this one. I don't know which well known tyre place you used but the last time I had tyres I had 4 wheel laser alignment done. At a well known tyre place.. ATS. They gave me a print out showing all current values, the manufacturers tolerances and the values after adjustment. It was slightly out but everything was adjusted with no problems.
It sounds like you need a second opinion. Try somewhere else and get written confirmation if any adjustment is required and then ask for a refund from the first garage if they're at fault, simples!
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Re: Wheel Alignment

Post by greg7728 »

Kwik fit used to check tracking free it was adjustment that cost. May be worth looking up online as these places should have fairly standardised prices for each service they offer. Defo get a second opinion as that doesn't sound right.

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Re: Wheel Alignment

Post by T33beh »

Common problem mate I've had it done from VW because it was really annoying me the slight bit it was out. It was sorted on PAPER but not on the road still slightly out, got my money back from VW and they offered to do it again, I didn't bother. I've had the tracking done 6-7 times now and always had the same issue popping up again either the same day or day after. I've been told it's a common thing and the tyre wear is minor so yeah just leave it

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