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New car - bluetooth question.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:25 pm
by Hughesy88
hi all,

I'm getting my 2nd scirocco in a few days hopefully, it was a week 42 build so im under the uderstanding it comes with bluetooth as standard now.

please could someone explain what exactly this will be? is this the whole bluetooth preparation so i can use my phone handsfree in conjuction with the sat nav & mfsw?

please assume that i know nothing at all when explaining haha :)

thanks in advance

Re: New car - bluetooth question.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:52 pm
by Cuprabob
Not sure what build week BT became standard but assuming your car has it. The kit allows you speak handsfree and stream media via bluetooth. it also interfaces with the sat nav, mfsw and DIS to allow you to view phonebook, call register and see battery level and signal

It's actually pretty good IMO