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Accidentaly changed from 3d to 2nd gear

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:22 pm
by hoganb
Today when driving I accidentally changed from 3d gear to second in 130-140 km/h when I was supposed to change to 4th :no: (what was I doing???) Both the engine and epc lamp flashed for a second. I continued driving and nothing seamed to have happened!!?

Should I be worried? Anything I can check to find out if something happened? Or will I find out in the long run=?

The engine is the 1.4 tsi 160 with manuel gearbox.

Re: Accidentaly changed from 3d to 2nd gear

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:25 pm
by RW1
If they've coded it in to the engine ECU, you've probably got fault code 00543 - Maximum engine speed exceeded.
And read "exceeded" as: by some margin!

Only ever come across the code once in the last 11 years. The driver pulled up at a Club meeting to have a bit of diagnostics and engine set-up done. The code came up on the PC. I smiled and asked the question if the gears had been slammed? Looking a little sheepish, he confirmed he'd dropped down a gear too far coming into a roundabout. What ensued was quite interesting. The woman in the passenger seat, gave him a right whack! The car was hers! I don't get involved in domestics :D. Needless to say, the VCDS 16pin umbilical connection was hastily retracted out of the window as the temperature rose somewhat!

Don't know if it applies in Sweden but in the USA it invalidates the engine warranty automatically if 00543 fault code is found.

That said, the 1.4TSi 160PS engine up at 6,700 rpm is pretty smooth and balanced. So likely its OK. If it still drives OK, most likely OK.

- EPC light may have been the 00543 fault code being recorded.

- The engine light being faults registering as the ECU knock sensor/lambda may have seen what it thought was a misfire. In which case expect to see faults in the engine ECU about cylinder misfires. 00768, multiple cylinder misfire associated with individual cylinder codes such as 00770.

And it may have thrown spurious faults in other controllers such as in 09 - Central Electrics controller.

But as a check for an important one, I would have a look in the engine ECU controller 01 fault memory with VCDS.
What to look for is if the camshaft chain has jumped and this will register as 00515 Camshaft Position Sensor (G40). This means in your case that the engine crank and camshafts are not correctly synchronised = the chain has jumped a cog or two.
Normally I'd expect to see the engine in Limp Home Mode. LHM has the symptom of loss of some power and is rpm limited to about 4,000 - 5,000 rpm max. (ie. in protection mode).

All faults including 00543 should clear down and as a re-check after a drive, do an Auto-Scan again. Hopefully it will be showing no fault codes.


Re: Accidentaly changed from 3d to 2nd gear

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:22 pm
by hoganb
Thanks for a thorough answer! but sure scares me. All those faulty codes...
Would a compression check do any good? Or is it only vcds?

Re: Accidentaly changed from 3d to 2nd gear

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:38 pm
by RW1
Well its bound to complain if you give it a headache!
You'll take care in future ;)

Start with VCDS.


Re: Accidentaly changed from 3d to 2nd gear

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:46 pm
by hoganb
Ok great I will! Thanks for your valuable information.