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Sealed Tyre Puncture

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:06 pm
by sunners
Whilst cleaning the car yesterday I spotted a nail in the tyre although it had not lost any pressure . After speaking to the VW dealer they advised that they cannot repair it but must be replaced at a cost of £191 (cheapest after ringing round several garages). VW advised that there are only certain garages that can fit the self sealant tyres. I was wondering is this true are and there any other tyres any members would recommend as alternatives

Re: Sealed Tyre Puncture

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:23 pm
by Shaun
Where is the nail on the tyre ?, I would never have a dealer change my tyres !, they charge far to much and by reading what they have told you tell a load of porkies too !
In the event of a puncture occuring within the BSAU 159 repair zone (the central 3/4 of the tread area), the viscous layer can be cut and peeled back to expose the damage. A traditional stem patch repair can be installed and the layer refitted over the repair zone. It must be stated that a further puncture in the same area would result in the subsequent scrapping of the tyre.

Re: Sealed Tyre Puncture

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:32 pm
by a4gee
yeah kwik fit is better :hyper:

Re: Sealed Tyre Puncture

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:51 pm
by RW1
5th Bullet point ... Self Seal Tyre FAQs

By that, besides it not being damaged due to running the tyre when flat etc., I read it as with a normal tyre repair rules and where the puncture hole is relative to either edge (which ever side is closest) of the tyre tread face. And it is definitely not through the sidewall.
