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DSG Stall

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:50 pm
by caprinolaw
Just thought I would write this up as its always useful info in the instance someone else experiences it.

I Filled my Scirocco up this afternoon (2010 - 60 plate, 170 TDI).

Got in the car, turned engine on, put it into D, pulled off and it stalled. Red battery light came on, turned engine off, back into P, restarted it and has been ok since.

Because the car is still within its 1 year warranty I have VW roadside assistance coming out to diagnose it - Hopefully its nothing major but ill post back when i know what this issue was (if at all).

I also have it provisionally booked in with VW St Albans in case it needs to go in as I am due to take it to Spain on the 15th August.

Re: DSG Stall

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:37 am
by goatboy
Thats very strange, not had anything like it, had it roll backwards a couple of times which has caught me by suprise though!

Completely off topic what are wayside like in St Albans? its probably my closest dealer...

Re: DSG Stall

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:50 pm
by mitchddd
My scirocco did this a few weeks ago, been running fine since, it's a 60 plate 170, din't think to report it, did you get a check from VW roadside assistance?

Re: DSG Stall

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:52 pm
by arlurt
Mine's done this as well, usually starting from cold, on a slight upwards incline.

Into drive, a touch of throttle to set off gently, it coughed and died. It's happed three or four times in the last six months, always in the same situation.

Also a 170 diesel.

Did you get anywhere with the dealer of VW Assist?

Re: DSG Stall

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:20 pm
by caprinolaw
For the long time in replying guys!

So VW roadside assist came out and ran the car through diagnostics and it showed nothing.

However I mentioned it to a friend last night, whose Dad is a director at VW head office and has great knowledge of common issues. He has suggested that it might be something to do with the throttle control.

If its happening from a cold start and from standing still it could possibly be that the throttle control needs adjusting so that the engine doesn't idle in such low revs.