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1.4 twincharge

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:57 am
by stubie
Hi all,
Our rocco has reached the 500 mile mark and it seems to have got louder , is this normal ? There's also a noticeable squeak at low acceleration , supercharger !?
Besides that we've had to have some bodywork repaired through the insurance , wife works at a school and two 14 year old kids decide to have a play fight by the car resulting in 4 dents in the drivers door and 2 in the wing ! Then yesterday TPS light comes on. Tyres only got 6psi in and you can just see head of a nail ! Tyres scrap , new pirrelli fitted !!
Other than that it's been a joy !

Re: 1.4 twincharge

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:33 am
by RW1
Found mine built up the S/Charger rumble noise during running-in period below 1,000 miles but it has then remained constant since.

The little chirp (metal squeak) either as the gears change up is the S/Charger or as your DSG changes down on kick down at revs between 2,000 - 3,000rpm. Like this and discussed here and here and on earlier posts if you search "squeak". Its the supercharger clutch engaging. The charger only runs when you demand more torque with the accelerator pedal below 3,000 rpm than the low turbo boost is already supplying.

Kids was a rum do!

Had two punctures last spring. Reckon the first bit of warm spring sunshine and all the DIY'ers are off to the tip and don't care if the odd screw/nail falls off on the way!! One wrecked a tyre for me as well.

Glad to see you are not letting it get to you. Wait until its fully run in after about 7,000 miles. The engine/DSG is even better! :D
