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Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:32 pm
by JaseW
Well after keeping it bottled in for the past 3 weeks, I can finally let it all go.. :D :D :D

I'm picking up my Roc tomorrow, hopefully everything will go ok as the weather hasn't been too great around Milton Keynes I believe, and I'm driving down from Leeds.

fingers crossed :yes:

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:50 pm
by martdy
Sleepless night then! Hope the weathers good for you to collect your new baby :clap: Enjoy!!

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:00 pm
by jonallen628
Happy motoring! :clap:

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:06 pm
by wigit
good luck and enjoy

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:02 pm
by steve
Have you got it then...... out driving I expect :)

Get some photos up in the gallery!

Re: Pickup Tomorrow - WHAT A NIGHTMARE!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:14 pm
by JaseW
Sorry for the delay in replying.. I have indeed been out driving :vibes:

Yesterday was an experience I will never forget!!!

Firstly, I'v been on the phone all week sorting out insurance, financing etc ready for the pickup. I intended paying the final parts of my deposit on friday, so everything would be sorted for collection. Alas, the snow got in the way and the dealership was down to skeleton crew on Friday, so couldnt sort it out.

Anyhow, set off down yesterday morning, no hiccups got to the dealership around 9:30 am. Proceeded to fill out paperwork, and then last but not least payup. And this is where it all went horribly wrong!!! I bank online and my main account is just a holding account for wages, bills etc I never actually use it as a current account. In all the rushing around I made a fatal mistake! Just as the accounts lady was pushing my debit card into the machine, I sudden sinking feeling came over me as I realised I didn't know the PIN for the debit card, as I'd never used it :fall: :faint: My heart sank as I knew what was coming, 'sorry you can't take the car until the deposit is paid' :no:

After a few frantic calls home, the PIN still eluded me and the sinking feeling was getting worse. What about same day transfer I uttered 'No sorry it won't clear on our accounts until Monday' I was racking my brains trying to think of any way of getting the money, but I drew a blank! :cry:

In the dealers terms, they only allowed a maximum of £1000 deposit by credit card, and I knew this. Anyway after watching me slowly turn white, the accounts lady took pity and spoke to the manager to see if they would let me pay the full remainder by credit card. Luckily he agreed and boy did I feel relieved! :clap:

So the car was now mine... filled up with fuel and homeward bound I headed... BUT my problems weren't over, just as I thought everything was going ok I got a bit of a shock....

I was happily trundling along, not even speeding, just enjoying the car.. When I drove past a patrol car sat on the hard shoulder with the blues and two's on. No sooner had I passed him when he set off and joined the motorway. I looked in the rear mirror and saw him moving between lanes cars moving out of his way. with nothing in front he floored it up the fast lane, then pulled in behind me. I suddenly realised who he was after.. ME!

Just as I just thought WTF! I haven't done anything? blackpool illuminations went off and I was pulled over. I sat there racking my brains as to what the problem might be, when another patrol car suddenly came from nowhere, pulled in front and reversed right up to my bonnet, effectively boxing me in! Now I was really starting to wonder what the hell was going on.

Just then 4 Officers jumped out of the two cars and approached on mass. I opened the passenger window and waited.. 'Is this your car sir' was the typical opening gambit. Then followed the obvious answer 'Yes'. He continued 'Have you just bought the car from XXX dealership', 'yes, literally in the last 30 minutes' I replied. 'I see, have you any documentation' he asked. I supplied him with my half of the V5 and he continued. 'The reason I've stopped you is your number plate flagged up on our system, the plates been duplicated on a car in Manchester and used in a number of crimes.We wanted to make sure this wasn't that vehicle'.

I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing my license was safe once more! As one of the offices checked m ID, the other decided to engage me in conversation about the Roc. 'Nice car this, is it the 2.0 litre, I bet it's quick isn't it' Not the kind of question you expect from a patrol officer! Well the ID was obviously ok, and they let me set off on my merry way..

What a day! Question is, do you think I should now get a private plate, or run the risk of getting pulled numerous times?

On a plus side, I figured out the dealer had omitted listing a number of options on the car :clap: I've gained, Cruise Control, Folding Mirrors and Tyre Sensors :yes: :yes: :yes: This suitably re-balanced the ying and yang of the day.

So driving it... Well I've only cruised about in it so far, still pretty icy around here. Not tested the different suspension settings, or played with the DSG much, but overall I'm chuffed to bits with the car.

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:37 pm
by rehmondo
Thats some eventful first day!

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:28 pm
by Kev
Oh man, what a start!
I was half expecting to get to the end and find it had been dinged. Thankfully not!!
Enjoy the ownership.

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:21 pm
by wigit
JaseW wow what a day you should sell the film rights, glad it worked out in the end, you may be our first roc owner to be pulled by the fuzz

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:31 pm
by LCM
F@ck me what a day!!

I would recommend changing your plate if your on "Britains most wanted" list. I appreciate that some twat can always make a copy of the plates that are on any car but one of my mates back in Scotland was pulled under similar cirumstances. Although the rozzers promised that their records would be amended he was pulled at least ten times more including one in France which meant he was taken to the cop shop till they sorted it out.

I suppose it depends what is more of a pain in the arse - cost of buying and fitting new plates plus DVLA form filling or expecting to get pulled everytime you see the rozzers.

Congratulations on the new arrival and well done on the free options.

Roc On!!

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:23 am
by albertz33

looking forward to seeing it all on road wars!

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:55 am
by Zarger
If it was me, I would private reg it to avoid the future hassle.

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:21 pm
by JaseW
Thanks for all the comments guys, I felt a lot better after typing it up. Reading it back it does sound an unreal day, altough I'm laughing about it now!

As LCM says, its the chance that they don't update their records...

getting pulled all the time, won't do my nervs any good!

think a private plate may be the way to go...

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:56 pm
by JaseW
well still not been pulled up again yet, and been passed quite a few patrol cars... still looking for a private plate though...

on another plus, I must have been blind to miss the fact that i've also got Winter Pack which I didn't know about. It wasn't until it's first wash last weekend that I spotted the headlamp washers!

Two weeks in now, and just started to play with the power a bit, snow's finally melted and roads dried out a bit :yummy:

starting to get that loving feeling :vibes:

Re: Pickup Tomorrow

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:57 pm
by wigit
you know you want to a drive to the cat and fiddle