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Scirocco GT 200PS VS 210PS

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:22 pm
by scirocco
I finally managed to get round to picking up my build week five Scirocco GT 210PS on Friday night, its great to have the new car smell again! :)

Having owned the 200PS version for the last 2.5 years I feel I can comment on the differences between the two models.

First impression are the 210 PS engine is a great improvement! The new engine appears to more lively and pulls harder and the exhaust notes is so much more audible with a great burble from the exhaust. Im one happy bunny....

I few other small points I've noticed in the first 100 miles:

The build quality appears to be as good as ever with no rattles evident thus far.
The new steering wheel and white instrument cluster provides a more upmarket feel.
The new radio touch screen buttons in grey look cack in comparison to the previous black versions.
The rumble from the exhaust is more noticeable it sounds a lot more aggressive.
Cant comment on wiper smear as yet.
The full beam activation has a nice smooth action now, on my previous car it was a little notchy.
The indicator ticker has a different sound.
The engine bay layout has had quiet a redesign.

Roll on a few more years of happy motoring!

Re: Scirocco GT 200PS VS 210PS

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:10 am
by maisbitt
Build quality is as good as ever? I was hoping you'd say it had improved, unless you were one of the lucky ones who got one early that doesn't creak like a Spanish Galleon on the high seas (mine does - hoping for a big improvement for the new one due soon).

Re: Scirocco GT 200PS VS 210PS

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:03 am
by scirocco
I must have been lucky with my first generation Scirocco lol! I can confirm the wiper smear issue doesnt exist on my new car....

Re: Scirocco GT 200PS VS 210PS

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:59 pm
by Crossbone
scirocco wrote:The engine bay layout has had quiet a redesign.!

Re: Scirocco GT 200PS VS 210PS

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:50 am
by mordred1973
Yeah the interior creak and rattle build quality on my 2009 Scirocco is as good as ever a 1999 Alfa Romeo 145 was!!!