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Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:20 am
by Sootchucker
Took delivery yesterday of my brand new Camdy White GT. I had asked the dealer not to clean it (which to be fair to them they didn't), as I wanted to do a proper job myself.

So set about washing the Roc for the first time using the two bucket method, and as expected she came up beautiful. However on closer inspection, I could see various small spots all over the paintwork that looked like small rust spots (which I knew to be ferrite iron particles bonded to the car from railways, sea port etc.)

I then reached for my bottle of Iron-X. For those that don't know, it's a clear liquid in a bottle with a spray attachment that absolutely stinks of rotten eggs. When the Iron-X comes into contact with ferrite iron, it safely dissolves it and turns bright purple in the process. So I sprayed the whole car and waited a few minutes. To be honest I only expected it to find the few spots I had seen, but was then amazed to see rivers of purple running down all over the car. The driveway looked like someone had been stabbed :D and all this on a brand new car :eyepop:

After rinsing and washing / drying again, the paint felt like glass and all of the small contamination spots I had seen were gone just leaving a deep pure White.

I then de-tarred using Tardis (very little found) then clayed. The clay brought off almost nothing showing that the Iron-X and Tardis had made this stage pretty much redundant.

Finally went over the car with Werstatt prime, then Acrylic Jett so leave an amazing glossy and wet shine.

Well impressed.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:06 am
by ayeaye
I've been wondering about Iron-X for a while, now I may just have to go and get some - only the description of the smell is putting me off!

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:11 am
by whicher
Sootchucker wrote:Finally went over the car with Werstatt prime, then Acrylic Jett so leave an amazing glossy and wet shine.
I've not heard of these... are they polishes? Thanks.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:14 am
by ayeaye
whicher wrote:
Sootchucker wrote:Finally went over the car with Werstatt prime, then Acrylic Jett so leave an amazing glossy and wet shine.
I've not heard of these... are they polishes? Thanks.
Prime is more a finishing product, very little abrasive properties but cleans the paintwork and prepares it for the next steps.
Jett is a sealant - so the synthetic version of carnuba wax
Glos is the final step to give the paintwork more shine

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:21 am
by Andy-GTI
ayeaye wrote:I've been wondering about Iron-X for a while, now I may just have to go and get some - only the description of the smell is putting me off!
Just do it, Polished bliss have a promotion on at the mo 5% off if you spend over £50, they also just annoced yesterday they have some new Wold chemcicals, which do the same thing as Irno-x, but cheaper. £10 for a litre. ... eaner.html" onclick=";return false;

They are also having an pen day on te 16th, if you want to get some advice.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:49 am
by ayeaye
Andy-GTI wrote: Just do it, Polished bliss have a promotion on at the mo 5% off if you spend over £50, they also just annoced yesterday they have some new Wold chemcicals, which do the same thing as Irno-x, but cheaper. £10 for a litre. ... eaner.html" onclick=";return false;
I might just have to drop in past them on my way up to Inverurie on Tuesday.

The Wolf Chemicals stuff looks like a pretty good alternative.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:07 am
by Ian_Mac
ayeaye wrote:I've been wondering about Iron-X for a while, now I may just have to go and get some - only the description of the smell is putting me off!
Apparently they've slightly changed the formulation of the Iron-X now so it doesn't have such a potent smell.

It's well worth getting some, I've got the old smelly stuff but it's still worth it.

Andrew, that's the exact same products and process I use on mine for it's 1/2 yearly big clean - well worth the effort though.


Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:31 am
by jammyd
Where about you live again! can I bring mine round ;)

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:59 pm
by Sootchucker
Ian_Mac wrote:
ayeaye wrote:I've been wondering about Iron-X for a while, now I may just have to go and get some - only the description of the smell is putting me off!

Andrew, that's the exact same products and process I use on mine for it's 1/2 yearly big clean - well worth the effort though.

Where do you think I got the ideas from then Ian :lol: :lol: :)

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:00 pm
by Sootchucker
jammyd wrote:Where about you live again! can I bring mine round ;)
Now I know what you have in mind, I'm not telling you :D :D :D

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:06 pm
by Ian_Mac
Sootchucker wrote:
Ian_Mac wrote:
ayeaye wrote:I've been wondering about Iron-X for a while, now I may just have to go and get some - only the description of the smell is putting me off!

Andrew, that's the exact same products and process I use on mine for it's 1/2 yearly big clean - well worth the effort though.

Where do you think I got the ideas from then Ian :lol: :lol: :)
I hope you're happy with the results then. :yes:

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:49 pm
by skyblues11
i finally got to use mine and being the thicker gel version, i was dabbing it on the area. But some orange spots are still there stubbornly refusing to shift.

maybe i did not leave it long enough on the surface, being scared it might eat the car alive! I flushed it with water as soon as i saw purple.

also, would it be a good idea to clay before Iron-x, or clay after?

opinions seems to be split from my other researches.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:38 am
by Sootchucker
Didn't know they did a thick version ? I've only ever seen the clear water like product that you spray on with the atomiser ?

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:41 am
by trix
i'm guessing thats the gel soap? ... d_826.html" onclick=";return false;

from what i've found instructions wise: ironX first, then clay, but yeah its not totally clear.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:48 pm
by Ian_Mac
I went with Tardis - ironX - clay in that order.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:22 pm
by skyblues11
i just find the gel version more controlable, compared to a spray which a gust of wind may blow it further or on my face.

after Tardis and Iron X, there should be nothing left to clay?

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:05 pm
by Ian_Mac
skyblues11 wrote: after Tardis and Iron X, there should be nothing left to clay?
I spent a few hours doing mine on Friday, used Tardis then Iron X. Still wanted to clay it afterwards and all I can say is quite a lot of bits appeared on the clay.

You could still see tiny marks (possibly dead insect bits) which were removed by the clay. I don't think I'll be missing out the clay stage anytime soon.

Re: Iron-X wow...

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:40 pm
by ayeaye
ayeaye wrote:
Andy-GTI wrote: Just do it, Polished bliss have a promotion on at the mo 5% off if you spend over £50, they also just annoced yesterday they have some new Wold chemcicals, which do the same thing as Irno-x, but cheaper. £10 for a litre. ... eaner.html" onclick=";return false;
I might just have to drop in past them on my way up to Inverurie on Tuesday.

The Wolf Chemicals stuff looks like a pretty good alternative.
Finally got round to giving the car a wash and claying in preparation for polishing tomorrow. Used Tardis which removed a load of the tar spots (as it should) following by Wolf Chemicals Brake Duster - the amount of crap still on the paintwork after Tardis had been applied a couple of times was surprising as it all turned purple.

Still needed to clay the car but not anywhere as near as much effort as it would have been without using Tardis/Brake Duster.