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mobile speed trap detectors??

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:56 pm
by simonf
Not really sure if putting this post in the right place, but could someone suggest a good and more importantly reliable device for detecting mobile speed traps, like the camera vans or a rozzer stood there holding a gun.

Don't want to pay stupid money but don't want one going off every time I go near supermarket doors etc...any info / help much appreciated

Re: mobile speed trap detectors??

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:05 pm
by juniorbanks
I am told road angles are awesome but don't come in cheap !!

Re: mobile speed trap detectors??

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:21 pm
by simonf" onclick=";return false;

cheers for that juniorbanks...just found this, love their wording on the description of it lol

has anyone used one of these? could they recommend it?

Re: mobile speed trap detectors??

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:58 pm
by juniorbanks
No worries :yes: i actually meant the standard Angel Pro that used to be a permanent dash mounting but it looks like its been overhauled since i last saw it and now its a windscreen mount which IMO is alot better !! As for that Laser Star well that looks awesome if it really can "confuse" the source, not personally seen that one before !!

Re: mobile speed trap detectors??

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:12 am
by simonf
my TomTom picks up all the static camera's, but if the laser star really does what it says on the tin, will be awsome, can't imagine they'd be able to say that it does unless it really does? might see what reviews are around on it, i'll get back to ya :)

Re: mobile speed trap detectors??

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:28 am
by juniorbanks
Must do as the law has recently been changed for the internet making it the same as TV with false advertising. The Angel Pro picks up the guns "inbuilt laser detection" .. but doesnt block like the laser star does. I've got the camera's as POI's on my RNS510 but i miss the beep the TomTom gives, plus the regular map updates !!

Re: mobile speed trap detectors??

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:53 am
by simonf" onclick=";return false; coupled with this" onclick=";return false; and i would hope that will me no stealth taxes finding there way to your letterbox any time soon :)

Just found this.." onclick=";return false; good enough for me :)

and this for the escape rd300 [youtube][/youtube] and at only £79 for the escape, seem's a bargain!!