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RNS510, Bluetooth premium with a Nokia E71 phone

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:51 am
by ChrisL
The following are my comment with my first few days with a Build Week 44 RNS510, Bluetooth premium with a Nokia E71 phone (with SD memory card):
a) The SMS option on mid or high line did not occur until the Remote SIM option is enabled on the phone. This must be done prior to pairing otherwise you have to switch phone on/off or re-pair. Once done and set to authorised on the phone, it works every time I sit in the car with the ignition on.
b) Once in remote SIM mode it is not possible to view SMS history on the phone and nor does the SMS history view to the mid or high line. This is VERY annoying !
c) Any SMS received or sent do not automatically copy to the phone but can be manually copied except I haven’t found where on the phone it copied to. This is VERY annoying !
d) I can play music from the phone via the car speakers via Bluetooth media (play music) connection. But in reality it’s easier to use a USB cable or swap out the SD card from phone to RNS510 to see all the tracks on the car displays.
e) I have no option to copy music from the E71 (USB or Bluetooth) to the RNS510 hard drive whereas I can direct with its SD card.
f) I have not managed to fast forward or reverse music in any format. But the Dynoaudio sounds very good !
g) Since the mobile signal for calls relies on where the phone is, it is strange that there is no sensible position in the car to mount the phone at window height whilst charging. A breast pocket on a shirt helps here.
h) The printed manual and highline display refer to a modem option but this appears to do nothing as far as the E71 is concerned.

Re: RNS510, Bluetooth premium with a Nokia E71 phone

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:00 pm
by mordred1973
Hi Chris

as the user of a Blackberry, i knew there was no point in me having the VW bluetooth since it works with Nokia and not much more. Although my fiscon says it supports display of sms, the brand spanking new blackerry doesn't seem to allow it, even though you'd have expected that. so I only have the features of phone, phonebook, phone key pad and short dials available through the RNS. However, I have not had any reception issues with just throwing the phone in the centre console whilst connected to the charging socket via a £2 lead from fleabay....

I play all my music from either a USB memory stick or my iPod. The RNS only allows music to be copied either direct from an unprotected CD or from the SD card, there is no other way to copy music to the HDD.



Re: RNS510, Bluetooth premium with a Nokia E71 phone

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:54 pm
by trix
just to put the system into context ChrisL's car is new therefore it is highly likely that it has the new bluetooth system (bluetooth not just rsap)


Re: RNS510, Bluetooth premium with a Nokia E71 phone

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:09 pm
by mordred1973
ah VW have finally realised the rsap was no good after 1999 then lol

Re: RNS510, Bluetooth premium with a Nokia E71 phone

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:57 pm
by mortygttdi
Chris go into the option on the mail menu and in there is an option for sim messages that is where the sms is saved when you save through the car kit.


Re: RNS510, Bluetooth premium with a Nokia E71 phone

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:31 pm
by ChrisL
Ahaa ! So it was. Then mark all, copy/move to Inbox. They loose their date stamp in the process however.

You'd think somehow it could be done in reverse so I can see my exisitng Inbox on the car screens....