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Removal of rain/light sensor cover on screen

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:55 pm
by Mrk

How do I remove the Rain/Light sensor plastic covers on the inside of the windscreen and behind the mirror. I cannot see a way to do this due to the long thin piece of plastic that goes from the sensor/mirror housing to the roof?

Thank you

Re: Removal of rain/light sensor cover on screen

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:06 pm
by RW1
Switch off the ignition and remove the key first.

The mirror covering has to come off first. About halfway between the mirror end to the small straight walled part, there is a clip arm on the driver's side half which is hooked into the passenger side half across the seam you can see.(RHD). A small thin plastic trim tool placed in the seam at the midway should release both sides.

Next separate the small electical connection. Then slide the mirror unit along the windscreen and downwards to remove it.

You will then be presented with the Rain & Light sensor in its socket. Disconnect the wire connection coming from the roof. Rain & light sensor is levered out. There is a flat blade screw driver slot halfway down the side of the body of the unit specifically to get it all out. But be careful you lever out the whole unit not just the cover cap.


Re: Removal of rain/light sensor cover on screen

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:14 am
by Mrk
Awesome, thank you RW1 :yes: