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Guardian's Richard Williams....

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:05 am
by medicsource
... What a tosspot! ... ormula-one" onclick=";return false;

How can any reasonable person state that sports fans are ignorant and know nothing about sport if they don't agree with him! I think Mr Moseley's Nazi S&M parties have been rubbing off on him.

Probably the worst piece of reporting ever!

Re: Guardian's Richard Williams....

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:54 am
by Luke
I don't like that report. I'm of the opinion that the only person who should decide to let there team mate through is the other team mate ahead of them. It just denies us the viewers of any real kind of battles between team mates. We want to see them risk it all, that way you get to see there real talent & thirst for success.

Re: Guardian's Richard Williams....

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:54 pm
by Chungster
Wouldn't say it's that bad a piece. F1 is F1, it's been around along time and everyone knows it's the team who pay the wages of the drivers and if they don't like it tough go find another team.

Being a "team" means it should be allowed to do what is "best" for the "team". So although it might seem stupid at the time, you weren't gonna see Ferrari to let their 2 drivers do a Red Bull Turkey special.

Who cares anyway. I still prefer to watch IRL on the ovals. 4 abreast 200mph going round a banked corner is mad and hats off to those drivers there aren't more crashes! But when they do crash boy are they huge!!