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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:25 am
by ashley1407
Now this will probably only be of interest to the diesel owner amongst us but I've noticed that in the last couple of weeks, my car seems to have 'loosened up' with regards to economy. It still feels the same to drive and economy has always been good but I've observed a substantial improvement recently. I can't help feeling that it's come at the best time what with everyone being shafted over the hike in fuel prices.

Anyway, heres a photo I took of the MFD when I was sat at some lights in Nottingham. A new personal record for me!
It actually went up to 72.1 shortly after but I was moving then and wouldn't dream of taking a photo! :nod:

Anyone else have some economy records?

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:18 am
by Deb
Blimey: I was chuffed to bits with mine getting 50.5mpg on a steady 102 mile run home from Swansea the other day. That was with a steady run of 80mph ish on the M4/M5 with the godawful 50mph bit of the M4 from Newport past Cardiff to deal with.

How far had you gone when you achieved that memoral mpg?

Mine's got around 2000 miles on the clock now, so it would seem that 5k is the magic number.

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:26 am
by Ibanez33
Wow, something to look forward to..

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:38 am
by robmx
I got 32mpg following a learner drive home from work last night, that was a new record for me, usually struggle to get above 25 when I have a clear run :D

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:42 am
by ashley1407
Deb wrote:How far had you gone when you achieved that memoral mpg?

Not too far, I'd just come off the motorway after about 15 miles. I'm a pretty relaxed driver anyway and rarely break the limits - I'm a young driver so I can't risk points on my insurance premium. That, coupled with the busy motorway during my commute and only being able to go about 70mph on the clock makes for some good economy! On the times I have caned it on the 'twisties' it still does about 49mpg!

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:43 pm
by littleyellowspider
I saw 43.1 last night.

Average speed cameras have been installed on the best stretch of road on my 26mile commute :(

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:06 pm
by funnyroc
I never get these mpgs! :-( .... if I average 40mpg on a tank then I am happy.

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:10 pm
by sir_rocco
I Think you may find that the economy has improved in part due to the rise in temps. My old 03 plate TDi polo used to do 59-60MPG average in the summer but only 52-53 in the winter. I have no experience of the CR diesels but I would imagine its the same with them, maybe due to the viscosity of the diesel at lower temps, more friction in the engine or just lesser fuel burn efficiency in cold air.

Anyway, thats impressive mpg mate when we are getting stiffed at the pumps. :(

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:29 pm
by Deb
funnyroc wrote:I never get these mpgs! :-( .... if I average 40mpg on a tank then I am happy.
I've averaged 45mpg over the first 2000 miles. That's been a combination of a sensible first thousand miles, trying out the economy driving, a roundabout rich run from Northampton to Aylesbury via Milton Keynes yesterday (43.2mpg argh) and a couple of really good fun roar-arounds, oh, and one or two racing type starts out of the Severn Bridge tolls and a bit of town/shopping driving.

Due to this being a company car I only get the goverment recommended 11p per mile, so need to be running at an average of around 47.7mpg just to break even.

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:59 pm
by wigit
strangely kev and me were impressed when i got mine down to 4.5mpg :D

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:59 pm
by Ibanez33
Equally impressive.. What do you have to be doing to get that?

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:34 pm
by gavmac89
Very impressive!!! I managed to get 62mpg during rush hour from glasgow to edinburgh along the M8 and i did boot it once or twice, my mileage is just over 1000 so far, bring on the price increase!!!!

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:55 pm
by grutland
This is very encouraging for me - I placed an order for my 170 3 weeks ago and thought long and hard about the 170 TDi vs the TSi and the fact I do 20K a year.... Sounds like I made the right decision!!!

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:10 pm
by ayc1985
Highest I've seen is 63.3, this was after first buying the car. Now its 9500miles in(!) and my average on my commutes to Milton Keynes and Reasing is 51.

Lowest I've ever seen was caining it up a really steel incline for a few miles, 11mpg! :)

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:12 pm
by ryancooke
i managed to get 42mpg out of my old petrol one on a 280mile round trip :yes:

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:42 pm
by Deb
I've been trying to prove it's not possible to break even using the government recommended mileage rates for company car drivers, so have spent the last couple of days sticking rigidly to speed limits. Got this on a 73 mile trip over to Cardiff today:


Flipping boring mind. Think I'm happier enjoying driving and losing a few quid a week.

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:25 pm
by stuaz
Deb wrote:Flipping boring mind. Think I'm happier enjoying driving and losing a few quid a week.

I am happy if I get 50ish. Anything above is a bonus, but I don't "aim" for fuel economy - I drive my car :P (Not a boy racer!) :lol:

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:18 am
by maisbitt
Seems to be less of a difference in economy between the 140CR and the 170 CR than the old PD units. I've had both a 140 PD Golf and a 170 PD Golf, and around the doors I could easily manage 51mpg in the 140, but lucky to do over 44mpg in the 170.

I currently get around 45mpg in the winter and 50mpg in the summer around the doors and up to 58mpg on a constant 80mph dual carriageway journey of about 40 miles. Haven't tried rigidly sticking to 70mpg to see what happens - i'd imagine 65mpg average would easily be achievable on a long journey at 70mph.

Main reason for better summer economy is humidity. Warm air has a higher capacity for moisture and that moisture increases the gas expansion on combustion per stroke over cold and relatively dry winter air. higher density of diesel in the winter also plays a role in a fuel consumption increase in winter.

Don't forget also for those with newish cars that the fuel economy figure may not be entirely accurate. Form new, I noticed that my indicated economy was up to 11% more than the actual economy (worked out by taking fuel consumption between fills to full and dividing miles indicated by that consumtion. The indicated ecconomy got more accurate over 5000 miles and is now within 3% of actual (maybe fuel metering or rounding errors by the computer that get more accurate over time?).

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:56 pm
by Kratos47
The most if have got is 45mpg at present on a 210 mile journey to Wales and back. Did have to put my toe down a touch at times to get past those god awful caravans being towed 30mph religioulsy by a retired couple in their Rover 75.

Re: Hypermiling

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:32 pm
by Deagol
My 170TDI will return anything from 50 to 59 mpg on the 11 mile commute - a mixture of good old Cornish B roads and unclassified too - but that is only with 1,300 miles on the clock. Nothing too sluggish but no boy racer either. Longer runs depend on the weight of my right foot coupled with the number of caravans I meet. :hyper:

When I took the dealship demonstrator out fix months ago, it had closer to 8,000 on the clock and the consumption was better. Dealer also told me the engine had "loosened up" a lot after 5,000 miles and yes, it certainly flew. Waiting for another 3,700 on mine to get up to full flying speed!