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Monthly Service Plan - a good idea?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:17 pm
by candywhite

I just wanted to ask if the VW monthly service plan is worth the £27 ish a month?
As the car has a 2-3 year warranty and does not need servicing until 10,000 miles is this a waste of money or worth having?



Re: Monthly Service Plan - a good idea?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:37 pm
by trix
depends what you choose to include in it Tim,

i've gone for service & maintenance (cira £19 a month, based on 10k a year) for my piece of mind & as I don't fancy forking out for a service all in one go. I felt that they could weasel out of the tyre replacement too easily to go for the service maintenance & tyres, & that just service would be difficult as my usual mechanic for previous vehicles (aka Dad) doesn't know much about very modern cars that aren't Ford.

the first service (annual/10k service schedule) is approx £100-£125 so you can work out your rough costings from that


Re: Monthly Service Plan - a good idea?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:10 pm
Yep dont forget the service is every 10,000 or yearly not just 10,000miles.

Re: Monthly Service Plan - a good idea?

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:12 pm
by Chungster
i signed up for it too...3 yrs / 12k miles a year.

£35 a month tho! But as it covers new tyres...i thought it was a bargain considering 19's can cost upwards of £150 a corner, and I reckon 2 sets in 3 yrs / 36k miles should be reasonable.

That alone would cover my maintenance cost. So free servicing / brake fluid change / MoT. Happy days :D