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Instrument lighting snag appeared.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:29 pm
by Simes996
My 4-month-old 'Roc seems to have developed a random fault. Occasionally, the intrument & dash lights will brighten and then dim again almost immediately. Wifey mentioned this happening first but I have also seen it happen, especially in the dark. It appears to be totally random in occurrence, but it happens both with the light switch in "AUTO" mode, and in the manual headlights "ON" position. The illumination of the hazard warning light switch is also affected.

Has anybody else had this "flashing light" effect in the instruments?

(Probably not relevant, but I have my DRL's switched "OFF" using the main beam/indicator stalk method). The car is booked in at the dealer (warranty, I hope), but any heads-up I can give them would be useful, so they don't have to keep it longer than necessary.

Re: Instrument lighting snag appeared.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:51 pm
by martdy
Could well be the brightness control thumbwheel (next to the headlight switch) They can be a bit iffy. When it gets dark turn your lights on and give it a wiggle and see if it causes the problem. Hope this helps :yes:

Re: Instrument lighting snag appeared.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:10 pm
by Simes996
martdy wrote:Could well be the brightness control thumbwheel (next to the headlight switch) They can be a bit iffy. When it gets dark turn your lights on and give it a wiggle and see if it causes the problem. Hope this helps :yes:
I'l have a look at that - thanks.

Re: Instrument lighting snag appeared.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:51 pm
by alanstead
My Radio display does random things. It is sometimes really bright at night, then dulls down and behaves for ages, then sometimes gets bright again. But the panel lighting works as it should. And sometimes in the daylight, the radio will be fine and readable, then dulls down even if the ambient light level hasnt changed. I assume its a faulty ambient light sensor in the RCD510. Not the end of the world, so gonna have checked at my first service.

Re: Instrument lighting snag appeared.

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:17 am
by Simes996
After I booked the car in to the dealer to have a look at this snag, I opened the storage tray to the right of the steering wheel and had a feel about! I could just about reach the back of the connector for the dashlight dimmer/adjuster, which I jiggled and tweaked to the best of my reach! Well, after that, Wifey reported that the dash lights weren't showing the fault anymore. I thought I would keep the appointment at the dealer anyway.

Just got back from the dealer - told them what I'd done, and they said they would look at it anyway. Quote the dealer "Whatever you did seems to have cured it, and we can't find anything wrong!" Sorted - it would seem that there was a dodgy connection in that connector.