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Saturday 20th February Collection
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:03 pm
by Gilez
After a long 5 month wait, I will finally be collecting my Roc on Saturday morning
It has been agony reading on here and seeing people driving around in theirs, but my turn has finally come. There is a slight downer on the whole thing with a VAT v '10 battle with my dealer, and have had to go with a 59 plate, but still at least i get it 9 days before the 10 plates roll out of the dealerships.
I will be taking it for a good few drives over the weekend and have a work commute to do next week at around 200 miles, so will give me soem nice time to settle into my new pride and joy.
Will be posting some pictures when I can.
Re: Saturday 20th February Collection
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:13 pm
by gavmac89
Nice one mate, dont want to put you off but I would check here to save disappointment ... f=2&t=4373
Re: Saturday 20th February Collection
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:42 pm
by Gilez
The wait was worth it - boy, what a car
The car is so much nicer now i can properly see, look and drive it. The Rising Blue is definately, in my opinion, the best colour. For the past few weeks i have been thinking maybe I should have had the Viper Green, but having compared them side by side yesterday at the dealers, I am pleased I chose Rising Blue.
I have tinkered around with the various convenience menu settings and sorted out the settings on the radio, and am please with the DAB upgrade I selected, but will really get to know the car this week. I thought I would get to give it a spin today, but woke up to find a 75mm layer of snow everywhere this morning. Its going nowhere today then!
Here is a picture in all its glory, stopping off from the dealers yesterday, and will hopefully get a few others done over the coming weeks.
Re: Saturday 20th February Collection
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:44 pm
by trix
Brilliant gilez!
Re: Saturday 20th February Collection
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:36 pm
by l-plate
Ha i mentioned you were lukcy with Feb being a short month, but doesnt matter now...!
Glad you're enjoying it, looks fab, takes a while to familiarise with it all, I'm still hitting wrong buttons etc.
And the 59 plate issue, ive looked at other cars + scirccos from a year ago being 2009 58/2009 09 plates to see price difference and it only works out about same as the extra VAT rise if you see what I mean, so no massive difference.
Its still a brand new car and you get to enjoy it sooner....

Re: Saturday 20th February Collection
Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:35 pm
by Gilez
Cheers guys and thanks for the info --plate. I havent looked at the price difference yet, but as you say it is a new motor, the VAT v's 10 plate is probably the same value and i am already driving it
Same boat as you with regard to working it all out. I still have loads of fiddling around to work out all the settings etc.. as i didnt get chance at the weekend, plus with being at work early and late this week, I wont get chance until the weekend to have a real play with it.
One thing i can say though is it is wicked to drive and you get lots of admiring glaces/envious stares off people