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Rising Blue GT & Met Black G60

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:16 pm
by andycowuk
Got shot of the troublesome mk3 gti at the start of October on the scrappage scheme, to make way for a GT 2.0 TSI in Rising blue




Ordered it on the 15th June and took delivery on Saturday 4th October, so based on what I am reading on here, that isn't too bad! Had the standard total lack of communication from VW though, so can't say that my first new car purchase was a total joy :grumpy: .

Got folding mirrors and parking sensor, with rubber mats, i-pod lead and a tank of fuel thrown in.

Really enjoying it - its infinitely better than the golf, and thankfully returns better mpg than it did. I'd love to do a few subtle mods to it, but can't see anything happening soon as I have the other ongoing concern -




it is a permanent cash-sink. Priority is to replace the drivers door on that, give it a new intercooler as I chucked out the stock one cos it was mingin, and then maybe I could think about getting the rocco remapped. :fall:


Re: Rising Blue GT & Met Black G60

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:23 pm
by iAmbu
Car looks great Andrew :yes:

By the way, the Scirocco should come with both the iPod lead and USB lead as standard (although a lot of dealers STILL don't realise that!!!!!!), so if your dealer told you he was chucking that in for free, he is mistaken.

Anyway, at least you got one!! :) Rising Blue looks great, it was the other colour I was considering for mine, but got Candy White in the end (and love it!) :D

Re: Rising Blue GT & Met Black G60

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:29 pm
by andycowuk

As it happens, I don't have an I-pod! The USB lead works with my N97 though, and Mrs used her ipod to try on day one, so both happy. Seems like VW recruit their sales people straight out of the stereotypical salesperson pool!

Re: Rising Blue GT & Met Black G60

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:52 pm
by ReubenGT
Lovely Scirocco and stunning C too! if only we could all have both! Congrats mate, hope you enjoy it!

Re: Rising Blue GT & Met Black G60

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:37 pm
by ashley1407
Stunning. I'm soooo glad I've opted for rising blue!