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2010 1.4 tsi non starter

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:44 am
by Justin b
Hello all. Electrical problem I think. So here’s the story…
Pulled up for the night everything normal. Well abs light kept coming on over the last week, Turn car off and re start it goes off( for a bit) so go out next morning to drive.
All lights come on dash when turn the key as normal . But Won’t turn over, wont start. ?
Tried jumping battery from another car… nothing. No noise what so ever when turning the key to start..
so towed to garage.. garage said they cannot talk to the car with there machine. It’s not picking up or connecting to car. So mobile electrical pros called out. For them to say ecu problem!? Code 01314 active/static
Ok so taken ecu out and taken to another electrical car person.
They bench tested ecu. To say it is not the ecu!!? I’ve checked all pins on ecu and the plugs that connect. All look normal. Is there any obvious connections I could inspect? I’m not a car guy in that way to know where and what to look for and check..Thing is I cannot afford £85 an hour for them to manually try find the fault. There is no telling if they will find it. Or how many hours it would take.. so obviously could not give me a price. So does this problem ring a bell? Please help if you can. Thank you

Re: 2010 1.4 tsi non starter

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:07 am
by tre-punti
Have you checked the condition of the battery? If it's below-par and the voltage isn't sufficient to start the car, the ECM link can be lost ('computer says no'). Once the error code is cleared via VCDS, and subject to the battery being adequate, you might find that's all it was. I had a similar non-start problem with my car a short while ago and now put the battery on a smart charger every week. As Cuprabob has pointed out elsewhere on this board, the ESP/ABS modules are sensitive to low voltage and will often put up those warning lights when they are not actually faulty. Hope this helps.

Re: 2010 1.4 tsi non starter

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:47 pm
by Justin b
Hello . It’s nothing to do with battery. It was re charged. Also tried jumping from running car. It will not even turn over or even click. Do you know where the grounds are to check? Or anything to try? Vcds?

Re: 2010 1.4 tsi non starter

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:06 pm
by bigkris06
Just because the battery has been recharged doesn’t necessarily make it ok. If the battery is completely dead it may not charge. In addition to this it may also make jump starting hard. If you are 100% sure the battery is okay, if it’s not even turning over the next step would be to check the starter motor. Do you have any breakdown cover? They may come to you and at least give a diagnosis or an idea of where to start looking.

Re: 2010 1.4 tsi non starter

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:13 pm
by tre-punti
VCDS is VAG-COM Diagnostic System, the gold-standard diagnostic software tool for VW (runs on a small computer plugged in under the dash) and should always be the first port of call for any problems.

Re: 2010 1.4 tsi non starter

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:49 am
by Justin b
Hello as stated no machine will connect to the cat using under the dash