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Water Leak In Boot (Please help)

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:25 pm
by rainnnyyy

New to the forum, had my rocco for about 3 months now and had lots of problems I have had to fix :( but we are getting there!

One issue I cannot seem to fix is a leak in the boot.

I found the floor mat in the boot was wet and removed it to find the tyre full of water. I removed all the interior bits from the back and found a few leaks were coming through the actual metal of the back of the boot.

I have sealed all these up with tiger seal and it helped however was still getting a leak. So took back lights out and the bumper and fixed a few bits from external and again helped but didnt get rid of the issue.

Fast forward to now I opened the boot to try and find the leak again by putting water bucket over it and testing and as I opened the boot a load of water came from behind the left panel plastic... so I took these plastic trims off and the roof lining where the boot bungs come in (Sorry if thats not the right wording), it is definately coming from above but again cannot replicate where the water keeps coming from. I have ruled out the rear wiper fluid as that didnt cause it to leak when testing and I am really stuck...

If anyone has had any boot leaks, where were they and what did you do to fix. Maybe its a common issue I cannot find on the internet and gives me another way to look at.

(Dont have roof rack and dont have sunroof either just fyi)

Some images before I took the plastic panels out to try and find it - deffo came from top of roof as the back of the lining was slightly wet.

Re: Water Leak In Boot (Please help)

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:36 pm
by bigkris06
Hi. You can always rely on the Great British weather to cause us issues!
The first place I’d be looking is the boot seal.
Even if it looks good it can let water through.
Any debris (leaves etc) on the top can stop water running down and away from causing it to go over the seal every time you open the boot.
Another place could be boot spoiler has foam like gaskets which can deteriorate over time and allow water to seep in.
There is also the area around the gas strut which can allow a leak.
Finally the rubber grommet tube that goes between the body of the car and the tailgate, this can be “peeled back” slightly to check for splits / corrosion which may be allowing water through.
You’d be better using a hose pipe on low to specific parts rather than a bucket overall as you can direct the water flow exactly where you want it.
Remember, water will always make it to the lowest point regardless of where it enters so it could be where you least expect it.
Hope this helps 😊

Re: Water Leak In Boot (Please help)

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:22 pm
by Roy_01
On mine I had 2 leaks from the cabin air vents in both corners in the boot. The seals around it can start to leak.
I also had a leak on top of the wheel arch on a connector. I think where normally the dcc shocks electronics are wired through.

And the antenna on the roof, maybe worth to check.

Re: Water Leak In Boot (Please help)

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:53 pm
by bigkris06
Antenna on the roof is a good shout.

Re: Water Leak In Boot (Please help)

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:33 pm
by rainnnyyy
Hi All,

Thanks for your suggestions, I will look into them. I dont think its the antenna as I cannot see it looking bad and also I cant see it wet under the lining of the roof around there.

I will keep doing one by one, I have been waiting for a good day to take the roof lining out so I can really see it in more detail.

Re: Water Leak In Boot (Please help)

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:42 pm
by bigkris06
It doesn’t take much for it to leak unfortunately.
You should be able to remove the boot seal and gently pull the head lining down to see it (removing the entire headlining is a ball ache of a job as you have to remove all the pillar trims, roof handles, interior light etc)
If it does turn out to be that, don’t use sealer to fix, just replace the seal as it’s probably cheaper than a decent tube of sealant and sealer goes literally everywhere!
Hope you get to the bottom of it.