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Underseal Reccomendation

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:30 am
by choni257
Hi all,

Firstly, I'm new to the forum so I'd like to say hello. I have a 2010 Viper Green scirocco GT which has been in the family for 10 years now. It has been a great daily driver which I plan to keep for good, clocking over 126,000 miles recently (just had it's second timing chain kit replacement done for peace of mind). It has just passed it's MOT with no advisories, and am looking to have an underseal done, albeit a little late after the harsh winter weather we are having! I have heard of Waxoyl Centers which seems to have a good reputation, as well as a company called Corotec in London who use Dinitrol. Does anybody have previous experience of these companies/different types of underseals, or any others that you can recommend within the Berkshire area? How long does these types of underseals generally last for?

Thank you, stay safe!

Re: Underseal Reccomendation

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:56 pm
by Deagol
Good evening Choni257,

I'm nowhere near your part of the world, but I livce near the coast in Cornwall - plenty of lovely salty sea air.... My car had some warning signs at the 2021 MoT so I took it to a local independent bodyshop for undersealing. They had the care for 48 hours and:
1) Gave the underneath a really good powerwash and brush down
2) Overnight air drying (September) so we didn't trap the water
3) Up onto ramps and a bloke in full bodysuit applied waxoyl all over the place. They have to heat it up apparently so it goes on properly

When i collected the car it smelled pretty bad and oily but I expected that - the smell went away after about 48 hours. Now waiting to get the MoT done in May and that I will have stopped any corrosion getting worse.

I guess if any of your local Waxoyl centres do it "while you wait" there is a risk that the speed means they cut corners and spray waxoyl straight onto existing dirt or water - not the best idea! Dinitrol - sorry, I haven't a clue!


Re: Underseal Reccomendation

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:14 pm
by Deagol
Update - MoT passed. Comments that the corrosion evidence from 2021 was still there, but it had not got worse.

Money well spent !