New to DSG
Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:21 am
Hey Guys,
I'm new to DSG gearbox and have been doing some research before buying my new Scirocco R and was hoping for some expertise on the following:
-Is "Neutral Dropping" (going from drive to neutral whilst still moving) bad for DSG? Say coming up to a red light is it bad to drop into neutral in advance of coming to a full stop?
Also if going down a hill is it bad to drop into neutral to "save" some fuel economy.
-Following on from the above, if the light suddenly turns green and you have to go from N to D whilst the car is moving (say 10mph) is this bad for the DSG?
-Finally, what is best practice when stopped at a red light. Is it okay to put into neutral if stopped for 5-10 seconds at a long red light? Or should I keep in D and just keep my foot on the break peddal?
Thanks in advance guys hoping to shed some light on these grey areas!
I'm new to DSG gearbox and have been doing some research before buying my new Scirocco R and was hoping for some expertise on the following:
-Is "Neutral Dropping" (going from drive to neutral whilst still moving) bad for DSG? Say coming up to a red light is it bad to drop into neutral in advance of coming to a full stop?
Also if going down a hill is it bad to drop into neutral to "save" some fuel economy.
-Following on from the above, if the light suddenly turns green and you have to go from N to D whilst the car is moving (say 10mph) is this bad for the DSG?
-Finally, what is best practice when stopped at a red light. Is it okay to put into neutral if stopped for 5-10 seconds at a long red light? Or should I keep in D and just keep my foot on the break peddal?
Thanks in advance guys hoping to shed some light on these grey areas!