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First vist to the dealer

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:20 pm
by Digiman
My Roc is going to pay a visit to my dealer on Monday to get a few things checked

1. Material is pulling out from the backrest release lever on the drivers side. May need a new seat cover.

2. See if they will switch off the DRLs (not hopeful as I was getting excuses from the start)

3. See if they can find the slight baulking I get when the car reaches about 1100/1200 RPM but only on light throttle, say up a slight incline in 6th. Its OK when you drive through this rev range at heavier throttle. Seems to be just at the range the turbo starts to spin up.

4. Confirm that the auto DPF regen is working as normal. I noticed twice in the last 3 weeks that when I stopped the car at home I noticed the auto regen was in progress (never seen this happen in the first 4.5k miles) Stopped car at house both fans running, RPM at 950 lifted bonnet engine very hot. Also if you put your hand over the exhaust the air coming out is very hot (due to the fuel getting burnt in the DPF) I believe this is normal. Just not sure why I havn't noticed this in the first 4.5K miles. Maybe just timing on my part.

5. Also going to ask about the wipers being a bit smeary. Tried a new pair they were much the same.

6. Check and see if there are any firmware/sofware updates for the car/radio

7. Was going to get them to check the tailgate rattle but fixed that myself

Will report back in due course

Re: First vist to the dealer

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:31 pm
by kianok
Digiman wrote:
2. See if they will switch off the DRLs (not hopeful as I was getting excuses from the start)
There is no reason why they shouldnt do this. If you have a MY1009 (xenons only) or a MY1010 you can do it yourself. 2 minute job via VAG-COM
Digiman wrote:3. See if they can find the slight baulking I get when the car reaches about 1100/1200 RPM but only on light throttle, say up a slight incline in 6th. Its OK when you drive through this rev range at heavier throttle. Seems to be just at the range the turbo starts to spin up.
Lots of people have this problem, i dont but there doesnt appear to be a solution. VW say its normal???
Digiman wrote:5. Also going to ask about the wipers being a bit smeary. Tried a new pair they were much the same.
I had this problem for 7 months. 4 sets of wipers later and a new set of wiper arms with no luck my dealer changed the screen. So far so good!
Digiman wrote:6. Check and see if there are any firmware/sofware updates for the car/radio
There is an update for the head unit, depending on when you bought your car. Had issues with my head unit which was changed in the end. Again no problems since.

Re: First vist to the dealer

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:01 am
by Digiman
kianok wrote:
Lots of people have this problem, i dont but there doesnt appear to be a solution. VW say its normal???
Hi, when you say lots of people have this, do you mean on TDi models like mine or Petrol models

Re: First vist to the dealer

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:58 pm
by Digiman
1. New drivers backrest seat cover and backrest release lever ordered. Drivers seat will have to come out to replace this due to airbag.

2. Would not switch off DRLs, :grumpy: as Volkswagen say its a safety hazzard.

3. Could not find any issues causing this. It has been forwarded to VW. I will try driving it a bit harder :)

4. This is working as normal.

5. The thought that there was some sort of film on the screen which needed some sort of abraisive paste to remove :?

6. No firmware updates for the radio or the car.

7. Tailgate don't rattle any more thanks to a 3mm allen key :)

Re: First vist to the dealer

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:37 pm
by trix
re DRL's is yours a MY2010? ie have you tried the indicator stalk method...? just thought i would ask the question


Re: First vist to the dealer

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:49 pm
by Digiman
Hi, Yes tried that and it didn't work

Re: First vist to the dealer

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:03 am
by maisbitt

The TDI likes a bit of revving.

IF you're going uphill in 6th at 1200rpm with slight throttle, you might need to change down a gear. The engine is full of torque, but not that full! The old PD TDIs used to have a warning in the manual to not cruise below 1200rpm, except in 1st and 2nd gear, but I didn't see any such warning in the new manual (might have missed it).

Don't forget that below 1750rpm, that engine is pretty gutless - the PD version of the 2.0TDI had 140 or 170PS, yet the 2.0 SDI (unturbo-ed version of the same engine) had only 75PS. When your car is trying to accelerate up a hill in 6th gear below 1750rpm (below the point at which the turbo is effective), it probably only has 75 - 80PS at it's disposal.

I don't think a slight baulking at 1200rpm in 6th gear going uphill is a technical issue - it's your driving style, so give the TDI some more revs by dropping down a gear or 2 when going uphill, you should be doing a minimum of 1500 revs in that situation.

Re: First vist to the dealer

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:51 pm
by Digiman
Thanks, Will do, Just me being too gentle with it.

Re: First vist to the dealer "update"

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:04 pm
by Digiman
Been to get a new backrest seatcover for the drivers seat :) . They had to remove the whole seat assembly. However they have not fitted the new one correctly as material is still pulling out from under the seat latch assembly :grumpy: So back to see the garage tomorrow.