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Bluetooth....please help me!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 11:37 am
by Halil42
So after having recently bought a shiny 2009 (58) scirocco 2.0TSI, I realised that the "Phone" button does nothing but mute the audio which i find very strange.

After a bit of searching around on the internet i bought a bluetooth modüle (5N0 035 730 A), under the impression that I would be able to swap it out for my existing Bluetooth module under the seat and enjoy full connectivity.

However, when I went to install it I found no Bluetooth module under either seat. Now what do I do? What does my car actually come with in terms of connecting my phone and how I do I get to playing music over Bluetooth, that's all I want to do really.


Re: Bluetooth....please help me!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:02 pm
by paddyz1
It never had the Bluetooth fitted then. You will need to get all the wiring and get it fitted or buy one of the 310 radio's that has it built in. I don't know if both have bluetooth or just one of them.

Re: Bluetooth....please help me!

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:23 am
by Halil42
Yeah after a visit to VW they told me that the car comes with no Bluetooth connectivity which is a bit annoying. I do however have the 6 CD changer under the armrest, does anybody know if it is possible to replace this with the MDI input like on some of the other models? Is it the same wiring harness in the back?