Aftermarket Camera Installation
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:52 am
Just thought i'd do a brief write up to help others as i initially struggled to find much information and the instructions were crap.
The camera i used replaces number plate light and my headunit is an Xtrons. You don't need to remove the bumper.
Pop out the existing number plate light.
Take out the rear light and unplug it.
Wire/splice the light on the camera into the existing number plate light wire, put your lights on and check it works.
The next bit was trickier as you need to get the 2 RCA plugs from the camera to within distance of the rear light socket (i taped them to a long stick and pushed them up through the inside of the bumper)
Run the Yellow audio cable inside the boot trim, through the back seat and under the trim, then to the back of your head unit.
The black power cable, this has a small black and red wire coming from it, these need to go to reverse + and - of your reverse lights, that's the blue/black (+) and brown (-) from your harness, i just spliced them in. You also need to splice the red wire from the audio cable into the reverse +
Back to the front of the car, the yellow RCA has a red wire coming from it, attach this to the wire labeled reverse from your head unit then plug the yellow end into the reverse output. Put car in reverse and it should all work. If it doesnt then swap the yellow plug to another output, i think there's about 3 from my head unit and i can't remember which one got it working.
You also might need to go into the factory settings of your head unit to enable the reverse camera option, although if you've got all the options ticked in the main settings (show ruler etc) and these show when you hit reverse anyway, you won't need to change any settings.
The camera i used replaces number plate light and my headunit is an Xtrons. You don't need to remove the bumper.
Pop out the existing number plate light.
Take out the rear light and unplug it.
Wire/splice the light on the camera into the existing number plate light wire, put your lights on and check it works.
The next bit was trickier as you need to get the 2 RCA plugs from the camera to within distance of the rear light socket (i taped them to a long stick and pushed them up through the inside of the bumper)
Run the Yellow audio cable inside the boot trim, through the back seat and under the trim, then to the back of your head unit.
The black power cable, this has a small black and red wire coming from it, these need to go to reverse + and - of your reverse lights, that's the blue/black (+) and brown (-) from your harness, i just spliced them in. You also need to splice the red wire from the audio cable into the reverse +
Back to the front of the car, the yellow RCA has a red wire coming from it, attach this to the wire labeled reverse from your head unit then plug the yellow end into the reverse output. Put car in reverse and it should all work. If it doesnt then swap the yellow plug to another output, i think there's about 3 from my head unit and i can't remember which one got it working.
You also might need to go into the factory settings of your head unit to enable the reverse camera option, although if you've got all the options ticked in the main settings (show ruler etc) and these show when you hit reverse anyway, you won't need to change any settings.