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VW Genuine Roofbars Help

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:53 pm
by Ben1030

This is my first thread so go easy on me!

I’ve recently purchased the VW genuine roof bars for my sirocco. I bought them second hand, they unfortunately didn’t come with a torque wrench - I’ve got one on order.

Having studied instructions and pictures posted on this forum I’ve realised my bars seem to be wrong. It appears the front bars are supposed to be slotted into the positioning bolt and not the back. However on my bars the rear bar is the one with the slot for the bolt not the front. I’ve included pictures of the rear bar. The front bar is longer than the rear bar which I think is correct.



Has anyone seen this before? Is it just a case of using the torque wrench, unscrewing the clamping bracket and swapping front to back? I thought id ask on here before taking them apart.



Re: VW Genuine Roofbars Help

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:36 pm
by wensleydale
hi ben, you're correct the front bar is the longer one, and it should have the clamps with the slots cut in. it's an easy job to swap them over, just unscrew the bolt all the way and the clamp will come off. there should be some plastic washers in there too, be careful not to lose them when swapping things round.

Just a quick question though, when you ordered the torque wrench does it come with a new set of bolts? I only ask because the torque wrenches are all keyed and there are several different key patterns out there. (I've had two sets of vw bars and they have had different patterns on the torque wrench)

Re: VW Genuine Roofbars Help

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:48 pm
by Ben1030
Hi thanks for your reply.

Glad it's possible to swap over il do this as soon as the wrench arrives. I do wonder how it was the wrong way round on the first place. Do the bars come assembled when bought new?

Yes I have ordered just the wrench but I selected the correct one (I hope) by using a chart someone uploaded on here. Thanks for the heads up though as I was wondering if I cud buy a wrench with bolts as well to make sure.

Have u managed to use the bars regularly without scratching the car? Any tips?


Re: VW Genuine Roofbars Help

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:22 pm
by wensleydale
I don't know how they arrive new, both my sets were 2nd hand.

As for tips, the following has served me well:

Wash the sides of the roof, especially in the groove, also make sure that the feet of the roof bars and the clamps are given a wipe down before you start.
if you didn't get a foam block with the bars, make sure you wrap a cloth round the clamp on the opposite side to the side you are fitting, this will stop the metal bashing the paintwork.
Use a credit card to pull the seals away from the body work, you can work it in from the edge of the seals at the B pillar.
and Most of all, don't rush it, that's when you over loosen the bolts and they go clattering down the side panels, or a clamp knocks into the paintwork. (no noticable damage on either occiasion, but the sound was horrible)