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AC really affecting efficiency

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:54 am
by rsmagee
So, my AC is having a big impact on my efficiency. My mainly traffic bound commute to work is about 25MPG with AC (Climate control) enabled and 30MPG without. I know AC has in impact as it take power to run the compressor but is this a bit high?

Wondering if its a sign it needs recharged? No idea when it was last done, but I it still seems to make cool air.

Re: AC really affecting efficiency

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:11 pm
by deano_123
Is it actually blowing cold air? If the refrigerant is low then the system senses this and requires the clutch to kick in to circulate the refrigerant from the low to high side to cool the air, the lower the refrigerant the more regularly the compressor needs to turn thus drawing from the aux pulley on the engine giving you decreased MPG but a whole 5 miles seems excessive

Re: AC really affecting efficiency

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:34 pm
by Deagol
And how long is your daily commute in miles ? and in time ?

If you are on a very short run, then the "5 mpg drain" of the a/c could have a disproportionate effect.