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Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:52 pm
by rehmondo
Whilst parking my car earlier tonight, the stereo was off and I noticed a small rattle just at biting point, I had checked the oil the other morning so I thought maybe the dipstick was loose - wasn't that, checked everything inside the cabin still nothing...

Turns out, because it was so cold up here the rubber on the wiper blades were stiffer than usual and the engine vibration was causing them to vibrate against the windscreen - I was so relieved it wasn't a fan or a problem within the engine. :)

Slowly beginning to put my foot down now :D

If anyone is interested the normal speakers are great up to level 20-22*, after that they can begin to crackle mid way through a track! I'm still content with them, but if anyone else has the chance to order Dynaudio I think they should they're better speakers will handle louder sounds more gracefully.

*level 30 is at max

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:30 pm
by Bagwafu
Interesting you say that because my wipers are just plain rubbish - have had to manually wipe them clear of cr*p that was marking the screen on a couple of occasions. Glad your rattle not too serious.

400 miles now and on a couple of occasions this evening gave it the beans when needed on the A303 - all I can say is wow .....

ACC to Sport, DSG to Sport, everything tightens up, response is great, power band as the turbo kicks in is brilliant.

I'm really going to enjoy this car .......... :p

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:57 pm
by dchuraman
i find my wipers are ok, but i have exactly the same rattling noise, but its more constant, especially on the bumpy roads around here. I might change the blades soon, see if that helps

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:02 pm
by JonR356
When I had a car for a test drive, the wipers were terrible. I put it down to residue being left on the screen, but maybe the wiper blades are pants.

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:36 pm
by wullie636
I have a rattle coming from the front end aswell only when its cold as soon as it heats up it disappears so I am glad that its only the wipers and the Scottish weather

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:27 am
by pimp my roc
I also have a rattle, the worst kind coz its intermittent, I am 99% sure its coming from the front of the Pana glass roof.

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:16 am
by rehmondo
pimp my roc wrote:I also have a rattle, the worst kind coz its intermittent, I am 99% sure its coming from the front of the Pana glass roof.
I can give you a test guide to rule out your wipers if you like?

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:04 pm
by pimp my roc
go on then!!!!

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:27 pm
by rehmondo
pimp my roc wrote:go on then!!!!
I found the wipers would rattle even when the car wasn't moving but in gear, so if you park up, start the engine, move it to D leave the handbrake on but release the brake, at this stage the car wants to move forward but can't but the gear is now engaged therefore its rev-ing a lot more to keep the bite - Do not press the accelerator.

If you hear the rattle, ask your other half/friend/neighbour to push down on the wiper (outside) or if you can't find anyone to assist. Turn the engine off, turn the key 1 one, push the wipers leaver down once, this will leave them open for cleaning, then start your car and repeat the steps above.

If you still hear the rattle then it's something else, what makes you think its the pan sunroof?

Remember you can only test the wipers if you hear the rattle if it only occurs when moving try turning the wipers on then and see if it makes a difference. I found that leaving it in D didn't always replicate it, depends on how you parked up (i.e. if its half on the kerb then there will be less vibration)

That's the best way to describe how to investigate the wipers issue, if you have any questions then please let me know and I'll try to help as much as I can.

I too have the sunroof but nothing led me to believe the rattle was coming from that.

It may not just be the cold weather maybe an issue with the way they are positioned on the windscreen - the VW service centre said, if there is an issue with them then VW should cover it under warranty but they would need to investigate it first.

I tell you something though its f*cking annoying when it starts happening.

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:16 pm
by pimp my roc
I just went out and checked that but cant replicate a rattle, it seems to be coming from the top of the windscreen in front of my head area and has a glass like rattle, pushing trim/roof/windscreen has no effect. I just pulled out the light assembly from the sun visor and it might be the cause as it feels a bit rattly and has a stiff ribbon type power cable, I will have to wait until the noise comes back and pull it out on the move.

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:26 pm
by rehmondo
Bummer mate, you'll be without your car for a few hours while VW fix it.

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:07 pm
by wullie636
I too have a rattle from the front end I also believe it to be the wipers as when I heard it I stopped lifted up the wiper arm and it stopped and it only did it again when I went over a really bumpy surface as soon as I went onto a reasonable surface it stopped the problem is it's so intermitent that if I take it in I will get the usual crap oh its not doing it now so I may wait until it does it all the time

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:37 pm
by rehmondo
I will do something about it eventually, the only time I hear it is when I park up, the rest of the time I have the music on loud so can't notice it.

Plus right now the last thing I want to do is take it into a garage and have it "looked at"

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:11 pm
by sir_rocco
Re wipers being crap,

my drivers wiper leaves a streak about 3 inches across right in the middle of my sight line. I have had a new blade andpolished the screen in case there was some kind of residue on it, still no improvement so I think I have dodgy windscreen with a minute depression in it. To top things off, I got hit by a stone on the M1 yesterday and theres a chip once again right in the middle of my sightline. So, I will try and get VW to replace the screen as a warranty issue and if that fails, change it under insurance.

Damn, I was gutted for the rest of my drive knowing my PAJ was now not in mint nick :cry:

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:57 pm
by Bagwafu
sir_rocco wrote:my drivers wiper leaves a streak about 3 inches across right in the middle of my sight line.
Exactly the same on mine - so maybe it is not a one off. Anyone else have this problem?

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:13 am
by risingblue1
I have that exact same rattle from my wipers its really irritaitng but only in the park position.

Took my car upto the peak district and couldn't believe how many stones it throws up got hit by a stone as well but chipped the roof not the glass. Can probably make it look a lot better with polish.

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:56 am
by sir_rocco
It seems we are all suffering from one or two problems to do with the wipers. Is everyone happy to advertise who their supplying dealer is, that way we will be able to go back to our own dealers and say this is not a one off, I know of a car at such and such a dealer etc, rattle off a list and then they can go back to VW UK and sort us all out under a warranty claim. As far as screen replacement goes, I definitely would prefer VW to do it rather than the likes of autoglass.

Anybody got any other thoughts ?

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:20 am
by rehmondo
I bought mine from Crewe VW, but I've been speaking to a VW service centre in Edinburgh, they immediately said if we investigate and fix the issue VW should cover it under warranty.

I find the level of service and geniune interest in some of the VW car dealers in Edinburgh absolutely horrendous, they don't give a shit unless you want to buy a car from them, I get better service from the people in parts/repair departments.

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:25 am
by wigit
sales guy has been fantastic and his business manager, interestingly its their parts department who have been not the most helpful people 'computer says no', they also forgot to issue my rear mats, so bits being procurred from local dealer who had a more professional manner

Re: Rattling noise coming from the front end!!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:34 am
by rehmondo
Such a contrast in services, I'd quite happily buy a car from someone in parts since they know about the car and are genuinely interested in what I want unlike the sales guys who are only interested in how much commission they can make from me.

In saying that though when I had a Golf it had a bad experience with a parts dept once, the guy was wanting £63+VAT to program my key fobs - so press once drivers door unlocks, press twice the whole car unlocks - the VW service centre in Edinburgh did that for FREE!

Interestingly how many people have received the call from VW regarding how the order and delivery went on their new Scirocco - you know the call about being..... Not Satisfied, Satisfied or Absolutely Satisfied?????