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Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:24 am
by Dr_Doug
Help and advice needed!

I've got a white 1.4 TSi on order atm. Mainly because my wife reckoned with the tinted rear windows it was too dark in the back of the GT for the kids.

Having never actually seen a scirocco without the rear window tints - does it look OK? Anyone got any pictures (esp. if in candy white)?

Also does anyone own a 1.4 Tsi (which I believe has grey roof lining) with the tinted windows as an option. Is it really too dark for kids?

Its not too late to change the spec...but I'd need to do it quickly

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:39 am
by maisbitt
If the kids aren't 10+ yers old, they'll probably not be tall enough to see out of the back windows, they're quite high up.

The tints are quite dark, but if the kids aren't tall enough to see out of them anyway then it'll be irrelevant. Can the dealers not show you a GT spec Scirocco? The tints are standard on those (he should have a 2.0TSi in as a showroom model or demonstrator. If you've already seen a GT and that's why the missus thinks its too dark then she'll want the lighter windows. The lighter windows will probably look more natural than the heavy tints of the GT's rear windows. On my GT, the rear glass is a much darker shade externally than the front. If the front windows are light enough (if you imagine the same shade of glass in the back) then don't get the tints. You could always play the dazzle card, make out that you need the tints to protect the kids from dazzle/UV etc.

You wont get the dark headlining on a 1.4TSI unless you get the leather seats. If I wasn't getting a GT, the tinted rears arenot something i'd pay for as an option, personally.

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:41 am
by Evil Derboy

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:45 am
by kurre3
This is an issue for me too, however not the kids aspect but just if the candy white roccos look better tinted or not. Can't imagine that the rear seats would get to dark for children though..

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:02 am
by Dr_Doug
Thanks for all the replies :)

My kids are very young (under 3) - but because they use car seats they actually sit quite high up and can see out the windows.

My wife did sit in the back of a GT - but that was in a car showroom and, of course it had the black roof - so she thought it was too 'gloomy' in the back.

I had considered using 'the dazzle' card - because the kids do complain if the sun is in their eyes. But really, buying the option would be driven by aesthetics. i.e does it make the car look much better? Having never seen one without the tints its hard for me to tell.

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:11 am
by maisbitt
I'm not so keen on the tints. For me, the car looks better when all the windows are the same shade, but as I got a GT, I have no choice - there were too many other bits of kit not to miss out on with the GT spec.

It's a minor thing really, it doesn't change the aesthetics much either way, but if you saw 2 cars parked up together, the one with all the windows the same colour would look best to me from a side view.

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:19 am
by Nobby
I agree

Mine has tints because they are standard on the spec I have ordered but given the choice, I think they look a bit "Boy Racer" to be honest

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:46 am
by kurre3
Isn' t it possible to have the car detinted if you by a package or a specific model that includes this option?

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:35 pm
by true
kurre3 wrote:Isn' t it possible to have the car detinted if you by a package or a specific model that includes this option?
The glass is tinted at the factory, it's not a laminate which is applied retrospectively (I don't think). Personally I think they rear looks better tinted, especially on the light colours but it's all personal preference.

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:07 pm
by drnick
my 4 year old nephew was in the back in a child seat and loved it. as long as they are high enough to see out the tints aren't a problem........

Re: Too dark in the back for kids??

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:27 pm
by gossa
I have a ten and an eight year old and they love it in the back but they're either watching a DVD or playing on the DS's. I have a GT TSI all black with leather, tints, etc. It's fine back there and they can see out of the windows with the boosters.